This is why you should write on Medium even if you are not earning a single penny from it

This platform helped Me find my voice

Manish Dangi
4 min readJan 4, 2024

Even though I am not earning from Medium, but I am still writing…

Photo by on Unsplash

Yes, that’s true!!

let me tell you some things first.

You’ve been thinking about starting a blog or getting into writing online.

You come across Medium and wonder — could this platform help you unleash your potential as a writer?

Well, let’s explore that idea together.

Medium offers writers a unique opportunity to grow their audience and establish themselves online.

But what exactly makes this platform special? And more importantly, how can you use it to take your writing career to the next level?

Stick with me and I’ll walk you through the key strategies and techniques to maximize your success on Medium.

Why Write Online?

So why even bother writing online in the first place?

What’s the value in it????…

Well, online writing lets you provide helpful content to people all around the world.

You can establish yourself as an expert in your niche and build meaningful connections.

Focusing on creating content your readers love, you generate positive feedback and satisfaction.

Readers appreciate when you share your insights to solve problems or fulfill their needs.

Promoting Yourself on Medium

Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty of marketing yourself on Medium.

While you can earn money directly on the platform, you’ll get better results by concentrating on building your brand and attracting loyal subscribers.

Instead of chasing earnings in the short term, offer tons of value to your readers for free.

Like me… I have more than 1K followers on Medium and I don't even earn a single penny from it

But it won't stop me from writing because..

at the end of the day I want to give value to my readers and followers.

Write posts about topics you know extremely well. Help address the pain points and desires of your audience.

By consistently publishing great content, you’ll gain dedicated followers who trust you and your expertise.

Once you have an engaged subscriber base, direct them to any books you’ve written or to your professional website.

Medium lets you showcase your knowledge and then channel readers to your other offerings.

Use it as a marketing launchpad to promote your services and strengthen your authority in your niche.

Connecting With Your Readers

Now, an engaged audience is great, um, but how do you get readers truly hooked on your writing?

it's a common question everyone asks???????

Well, you have to provide real value and forge emotional connections.

Solve pressing problems for them or satisfy their curiosities.

Regular readers who form bonds with your writing will be much more likely to trust you and check out your products or services.

Leverage that reader loyalty to recommend relevant books or drive traffic to your site. Turn fans into potential customers.

Delivering Real Value

Okay, so let’s pull this all together. Here are some tips on actually creating and delivering value through your writing on Medium:

For one, use the platform as a marketing tool to draw attention to your other websites and offerings.

Show off your unmatched skills in your niche.

Additionally, focus on serving your audience rather than earning money right away.

Build authority and trust now so you can monetize later.

Be smart and strategic with the content you create to maximize your reach and influence.

Why Medium Works

Writing on Medium offers tons of marketing perks beyond direct earnings.

With a huge built-in audience on social media, you can connect with and build a dedicated reader base.

You can also utilize your writing to highlight other products and services. Attract potential new customers and clients.

In addition, Medium allows you to establish your expertise and credibility in your field.

This can lead to speaking gigs, collaborations, and other awesome opportunities.

Time To Take The Plunge

So in summary, Medium gives you an amazing platform to grow your audience and cement yourself as an authority in your niche.

And there’s a huge reader base already there — over 60 million monthly users!

Hopefully, these tips will help you successfully unleash your potential as a writer on Medium.

Time to take the plunge, start sharing your unique voice, and build your thriving writing community!

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