Ameya Joshi
2 min readJan 27, 2020

CS373 Spring 2020: Ameya Joshi

I grew up in India and the suburbs of Houston, and I went to high school at Taylor High School in Katy. Like many others, I came to UT because I needed a good CS school with in-state tuition. I chose to major in CS because I discovered I actually enjoyed it when I was taking AP CS in high school, even though I was originally just taking it for my GPA.

I’m taking this class because web development is a highly sought out skill, and I’m familiar with Professor Downing from OOP. I expect to come out of the class tired but knowledgable, and hopefully more appealing to companies. I haven’t taken any web programming, but I am familiar with the basics of Python, although I need to brush up on it. The first couple of lectures were actually the same as OOP, and since I was already familiar with Professor Downing, I don’t really know what to expect from SWE specifically. I don’t really mind cold calling anymore, although maybe I’ll feel differently when I get asked a really tough question. I really enjoyed doing nothing yesterday, because the first weekend after coming back from a long break just feels that much more precious.

I’m looking forward to the class teaching me a whole lot and to working with anyone reading this, so thanks for taking the time and I hope the best for you.