Photos From BSides DFW 2017

Wesley McGrew
3 min readNov 5, 2017



I took a few snapshots of the conference, where I was presenting. My set is weighed heavily towards shots of my friends (the primary reason for bringing the camera to the event): Jek Hyde’s talk, and a environmental portrait shoot of Roxy after the con.

The official photographer is posting his albums, which are of much more general interest.


In the interests of shooting in low light, and traveling with as little gear as possible, these shots are all taken with the Sony A7R and the Mitakon 50mm f0.95. Due to the challenging lighting, the photos are almost exclusively shot wide open at or near f0.95.

Jek’s talk:

Appearances can be deceptive. Especially with Jek :)

Environmental portraits of Roxy post-con:

