Energy on Demand: Attuning your Body with Ultradian Rhythms

3 min readJun 14, 2023


Continuing my productivity series, I’ve explored Pareto’s Principles and Akrasia, shedding light on how to maximize output and combat procrastination. Now, I’m thrilled to introduce another game-changing concept that not only supercharges productivity but also enhances your connection with your body. While some may guess meditation, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Allow me to unveil the power of “Ultradian Rhythms.”

We’re all familiar with the “Circadian Rhythm,” our 24-hour internal clock governing our sleep-wake cycle. “Ultradian Rhythms,” on the other hand, is lesser-known and operate in shorter intervals. Let’s delve deeper.

Unveiling Ultradian Rhythms

Described in “The Power of Full Engagement” by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, these rhythms revolve around 90-minute intervals, also referred to as energy cycles by Josh Kaufmann, author of “The Personal MBA.” Ultradian rhythms influence hormone levels and indicate when your energy is peaking, enabling heightened focus and productivity. Conversely, during energy downturns, your body craves rest. Of course, each person’s intervals may vary. The 90-minute duration isn’t set in stone; some may have longer or shorter cycles.

Source: Asian Efficiency

So, armed with this knowledge, how can we optimize our productivity? Let’s explore some strategies to sync with our body’s natural rhythm:

1. Tune into your pattern

Now that you grasp the significance of Ultradian Rhythms, it’s time to observe and understand your unique pattern. Take note of when you feel most productive and when rest becomes crucial. Once you’ve identified your rhythm, you can efficiently plan your tasks and activities. Personally, I thrive in the morning for my side projects (like writing blogs and creating content), while evenings are reserved for more relaxing pursuits like reading.

Source: iStock

2. Ride the wave of productivity

Remember our discussions on the 80/20 principle and MIT (Most Important Task)? Combined with your energy peaks, you can amplify your output and effectiveness. Allocate your MITs to coincide with your peak energy periods. Likewise, tackle complex and challenging tasks when your energy levels are at their zenith for optimal efficiency. This approach enhances productivity and helps combat akrasia. As I mentioned earlier, my mornings are prime time for writing and creating Notion templates, while evenings are ideal for research or expanding my knowledge on topics related to my templates or what I’m writing here on Medium.

3. Embrace time blocking

The flip side of Ultradian Rhythms emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery. Just as your energy peaks demand attention, there are moments when your body craves rest. Time blocking is a powerful technique that enables you to create a personal schedule incorporating dedicated work and rest periods. The Pomodoro Technique, mentioned in a previous blog, is one of many effective methods. It allows you to achieve productivity bursts followed by well-deserved breaks, ensuring better focus and preventing burnout.

How I look at tasks everyday

In conclusion, understanding Ultradian Rhythms, Pareto’s law, and akrasia empowers individuals to achieve peak productivity while maintaining balance and allowing ample rest. While consistency is crucial, it’s equally vital to honor your body’s need for downtime. Apply this knowledge, attune yourself to your body’s rhythm, and prepare to be astonished by your daily accomplishments. Until next time!

P/s: if you want tools for improving productivity and setting up your tasks and track habits, I offer my Notion templates for free here:




An individual who likes to help others reach their full potential, unlocking my own along the way.