My Art Reproduction Photography ChallengeI love a challenge. It’s something that gets my brain cells fired up. Yesterday presented such a challenge.Jan 22, 20181Jan 22, 20181
That’s a Photograph?My final images start life as a photograph. My final work is, quite often, heavily edited, becoming what could be described as digital art.Aug 28, 2017Aug 28, 2017
Creating The Canadian Fall FlagHow I created The Canadian Fall Flag. A number of people who have it hanging on their wall love it. It may be my most popular print series.Aug 23, 2017Aug 23, 2017
Why I love PhotographyFirst, I have to say how honoured and humbled I am for the wonderful things say about my photography. I love creating new images that push…Aug 20, 2017Aug 20, 2017