“No pressure. No diamonds.”

Mike McKanna
3 min readMay 5, 2024


This is part 2 of a 14 part series describing my professional philosophy. Part 1 can be found here.

I’m not sure where I heard it, read it, or when I did — but I know that when I did, it changed my view about so many life lessons.

various diamonds
Photo by Edgar Soto on Unsplash

Following graduation from my Bachelors program, I went right into a Masters of Science in Project Management program at The Citadel Military College of South Carolina. During 2013 and 2015, I spent long hours grueling over the required reading, projects, documents, and classes that ensured a lifelong appreciation for the profession which I don’t see from any other project management learning institutes.

I consider project management an art form which entails a tremendous amount of psychology — it is so much more than creating schedules, managing budgets, and sharing stakeholder reports. It’s about building relationships built on trust, creating dynamic teams that will work towards a shared vision, persuading others to do things against their own desires, and motivating many to stay committed even when success looks out of reach.

This kind of thinking isn’t taught in a 5-day boot camp.

So, in one my Masters classes, I encountered the quote “No pressure. No diamonds.” by 19th Century Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle and my perspective started to shift from one of nihilistic non-belief regarding one’s own efforts towards outcomes to a “the universe is in charge” and nothing good comes without challenges.

These challenges must be embraced as the obstacles to reach the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow. We must not only embrace these challenges, but we must continue to learn from them and share these lessons with others. This is the only path of self betterment.

This simple quote has been my mantra for everything in my life since I first learned of it. I went on a short research mission to learn more about Thomas Carlye and his contemporaries but ceased shortly after reading some of their treatises.

18th century tomes which required translation wasn’t in my best self-interest and I didn’t have the time. I had what I needed — the quote.

images of inspirational sayings
Quotes and sayings for inspiration.

I love quotes. I love short, memorable phrases which can be embedded into your brain like a summer tick.

You can include these in email signatures, Microsoft Teams status fields, business cards (if you still use those), and even a tattoo!

However presented, the message is the same. Understand the phrases’ meanings as it implies to YOU and embrace it through action. Share it with anyone willing to listen.

And that is my current journey — to share these philosophy points with anyone willing to listen AND that is a big challenge.

“No pressure. No diamonds.”

The 12 points can be read on my GitHub page (for now). The next story can be found here.



Mike McKanna

Human being trying to make sense of it all and writing as a cathartic process towards inner health. I have an imaginary friend and I call him - The Walking PM