Putting it All Together

Mike McKanna
2 min readMay 24, 2024


This is the final part of a 14 part series describing my professional philosophy. Part 13 can be found here.

There you have it — the totality of my knowledge. Well, not all of it, but a good cross-section which I believe has helped me for most of my professional life. There are many more quotes, sayings, and beliefs that could be listed for even further consumption — but these are core for me. Without these guiding principles, I have no idea where I’d be professionally or personally.

What to do now? For me, I’ll keep writing. The next series that I’m working on will focus on leadership traits. For you, keep reviewing these tenets for success. I’ve even created an image you can download, save, print, and share.

I’m no guru by any stretch of the imagination and I don’t have all the answers. But I feel these 12 items can be of use to anyone that reads them. Not all of them; like all frameworks — we must ‘adopt and adapt’. Take the items that mean the most to you and see how you can incorporate them into your daily activities. Don’t forget to monitor for improvement! No matter what you’re working or focusing on — if you don’t measure it, you can’t tell if it’s going in the right direction or progressing as expected.

What about your own values and beliefs? If you have a list of tenets for which you model your life around — share it with others. Be open and discuss your values and what ‘makes you tick’ so others have a better understanding for how you process information, make decisions, prioritize activities, and communicate with people.

These should never be assumed. And most importantly, NEVER admonish anyone for their beliefs — regardless of how different they may be from your own. Beliefs are personal and speaking about them with others usually requires an act of courage. Use the points to model your responses and how you engage with those among you that have differing perspectives.

We are all human. We are all flawed. We are all in this together.

No Pressure. No Diamonds.

The 12 points can also be found on my GitHub page (for now). This is the last story in this series. Stay tuned for the next one.



Mike McKanna

Human being trying to make sense of it all and writing as a cathartic process towards inner health. I have an imaginary friend and I call him - The Walking PM