Is Tarot Evil?

McKinsey Smith
6 min readApr 11, 2022


Tarot has a bad rep.

And people who use it get filed away into categories like, “New age, witches and demon whisperers.”

But come on, hasn’t anyone heard the stories about selling your soul to the devil? Or enacting an apocalyptic curse just by playing around with it?

While I do know a few people who might consider demonic negotiations for a french fry. (What? cravings are a thing.) Most people in their right mind wouldn’t even touch tarot.

Why so hard on it?

The term ‘wicked,’ or ‘evil’ got associated with Tarot because of the bible. There’s a bajillion verses suggesting the user of tarot cards will “Burn in a lake of fire.”

My bath water is certainly set to ‘lake of fire’ temperature, but I’m sure the bible means something different.

Interestingly, tarot cards were invented long after the bible was written, in the 1430’s. That means the bible isn’t directly referring to tarot card usage as a ‘burn alive for eternity,’ punishment. However, tarot card IS associated with Divination, which certainly is. RIP.

The biggest qualifcations for really hot bathwater are these four bad boys.

  1. Mediumship — the act of talking with the dead.
  2. Necromancy — also talking with the dead but for telling the future purposes.
  3. Divination — telling the future using supernatural means.
  4. Sorcery — the use of spells and witchcraft.

Which is confusing because one of the biggest pop stars in bible culture crossed that exact line.

I’m talking about Jesus.


Our very own bible pop star was caught in a scandal whoopsie. He was up on a mountain and started chatting with none other than Elijah, and Moses!

Who, at the time, were very… very. Dead. *shock*

Don’t believe me? Here’s the exact verse.

This is where Jesus goes to bible jail.

So how can the bible with one hand condemn ghost-whisperers to very hot bathwater and with the other hand, pat Jesus on the back for it?

Confusing, right?

Or maybe not….

Maybe it all has to do with intention.

The bible says God looks at the heart of the matter. I looked up the qualifications for something to be evil…

What evil really means.

Here’s what I found. Basic right.

So, this rounds up to the original question.

Is tarot evil?

It can be.

If it is used to:

  1. Manipulate
  2. Control
  3. Cause guilt or shame
  4. And if it is done without consent of the recipient

This is the core of the matter. And this is most likely what the bible was referring to when it talked about mediums and witches. Imagine.. they could have run the entire politics and acquire so much power simply because, “I see it in the magic ball.”

If kings and high people of influence blindly received all the guidance from mediums back then. (Which was a common practice.) Then they were at the mercy of ambition and greed from the mediums. Mediums could say whatever the wanted and justify it as, “Spiritual guidance from the dead.”

We can always get in trouble if we hand away our own innate power to someone else. And that’s something we can bring as advice into this time now.

The biggest indicator that a reading is doing you harm is to pay attention to your emotions. If you are feeling helpless, fear or shame then you might want to take a minute and really ask yourself, “Is this for my highest good?”

Any tarot card reader who operates out of manipulation or control I wouldn’t listen to. Because real truth makes you feel something entirely different.

You can recognize the voice of truth by also tapping into your emotions. If you are feeling lighter, excitement and every cell in your body is hanging onto each word. That’s how you know it is truth. Your soul automatically resonates with truth. It makes you feel stronger, empowers you. It’s healing.

So… what about the whole… accidentally summoning curses and demon thing?

Well. The spiritual world is magnificent, and big. And basically like a huge soup of energies flowing and manifesting.

But the truth is you are always in control. The only way any type of energy can have a negative impact on you is through fear, lies and illusion.

If you give it that power. If you are totally convinced that you are smaller than whatever else is coming against you.

That’s why any decision made out of fear, can always have the potential for a not-so-pleasant learning experience. (There’s always grace, don’t worry.)

There was once a man who walked into a room and saw a snake. He jerked back in horror. The sharp movement startled the snake so much, it bit the man out of fear.

A second man walking into a room and saw a snake. He froze. He didn’t react out of pre-determined expectations only watched to see what the snake would do. The snake got bored and slithered away. The man did not get bitten.

Question.. in the first scenario was it the snake’s fault or the mans fault for getting bitten?

Sometimes, our brains can project fear and accidentally manifest that exact fear into reality because we fed our fear so much energy.

The opposite concept applies as well. See this nice rice?

Experiment where rice was labeled and sat for three months.

The jar on the far left was given thought energy of hatred. It produced something to hate. Decay and disgust.

The one in the middle was ignored. It died away.

The one on the left was given thought energy of love. And it produced something to nourish and love. Wholesome rice.

We can apply this to anything in our lives really but we’ll use it for tarot.

If we fear tarot. We can expect to find terror stories everywhere about tarot. We can also expect that it won’t help us very much. And most likely will harm us.

If we ignore tarot, then it will never be in our lives for any particular reason.

If we respect tarot as a tool; then it will most likely give us additional support and guidance. It can be a great use to us.

The common denominator is what we choose to see it as. The power is with you and always will be.

Another common question is:

Can tarot predict the future?

Well.. can you see a man who smokes and predict that he will have lung cancer?

That’s a prediction. And that’s what tarot is used for.

It reads the energy as is. In the now. And connects the patterns together to see a potential outcome. If we remain on the path that we are now. That is all.

Energies change. Which explains why we can get a particular reading, change our mindsets and go back to have an entire different reading from before.

Tarot can be a powerful tool in this way. Because if we don’t like where our energy pattern is leading us, we can use our free-will and switch up the pattern. Just like that.

Remember. The common denominator in all these lessons is that no one can take your power away from you, unless you give it.

Real freedom is the ability to receive honest advice from a loving place or people we trust. But at the end of the day, it’s also not allowing anyone to tell you how to think.

Not politicians, not celebrities, not tarot cards, or mediums or anyone.

You can decide what is truth for you by using your built-in truth indicator, then throw out the rest. If you walk away from reading this and forget everything else. Remember this one thing….

You are in charge. ;)

