Australian & New Zealand Relationship & SCV Subclass 444 Visa

4 min readSep 4, 2023


For New Zealand passport holders, Australia offers various types of visa programs. The country encourages New Zealand residents to settle down in Australia forever. Various reasons why Australia welcomes New Zealand residents with open hands. The article outlines the reasons and requirements for applying for a Special Category Visa 444 for New Zealand residents in Australia.

New Zealand is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean. It is the closest neighbor of Australia, located more than 4,100 kilometers to the north-west. These countries are not only close neighbors but also close friends in several key aspects. They share a complex relationship because of their geographic proximity, historical ties, cultural similarities, and economic connections.

Let’s Understand the Historical ties between the two nations. Historically, both share a British colonial heritage as antipodean Dominions. In other words, European colonization impacted these nations significantly. Therefore, you can see cultural similarities between these two nations. Their historic moments are connected through colonial and post-colonial experiences. The formation of the ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) tradition describes the closeness of these two countries. The ANZAC was a First World War army troop in the Gallipoli campaign. Every year, on 25th April, ANZAC Day is celebrated to remember the sacrifices made by both nations’ military personnel.

Australia and New Zealand have economic ties. They are partners of several regional organizations such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement. It is why citizens of both countries can travel and work in each other’s nations without visas. The visa process is just a formality to maintain records of immigrant citizens.

Since they are neighbors and have happy economic ties, they engage in extensive trade and goods services. The Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement was formed in 1983 to strengthen their trade and economic relationship. It is still in effect, making these two nations together to eliminate trade barriers and promote economic development.

Australia and New Zealand often collaborate on sports activities. They organize a range of sports events such as cricket matches, rugby games, and the Trans-Tasman Netball League (for women’s netball). The primary aim is to bring people of these two countries together so that they can talk and develop a good understanding.

Immigration programs between Australia and New Zealand are straightforward and aim to attract each other. A New Zealand resident in Australia can become eligible to apply for citizenship.

Subclass 444 to Permanent Residency

It is also popular as the Special Category Visa or SCV. It is a temporary visa for only New Zealand citizens or passport holders. With this visa, you can work, study, live, and visit Australia multiple times. Though it is a temporary visa it allows you to enter and stay in Australia indefinitely. In other words, you can live and enter the country without objection until you are a New Zealand citizen. You cannot include your family members in this visa. If they want to come with you, they can apply for the SCV visa separately.

You can check the visa processing time guide tool of the DHA to know the exact processing times for this visa. It features the processing times for recent applications. The DHA allows you to apply for this visa on your arrival in Australia. Here is the visa application process at the airport. If you apply for this visa inside Australia, the processing times may be longer.

Advantages to Apply for this Subclass 444 Visa

It has various advantages.

  • This visa is approved quickly if you apply for this right after you arrive in Australia from the airport.
  • The visa is free to apply. In other words, there is no cost to apply for this visa.
  • You can use this visa as a visitor to Australia.
  • It allows you to live and work in any part of the country as long as you desire.
  • You can use this visa for study purposes.
  • It allows you to apply for PR if you are eligible.
  • Applying for this visa is straightforward because the eligibility criteria are easy to fulfill.

Eligibility Criteria

It requires a few things to meet the eligibility criteria.

You must:

  • Have a valid New Zealand passport to present that you are a New Zealand citizen.
  • Not be a behavior concern non-citizen or BCNC (criminal faced imprisonment or a sentence of death, deported from Australia in the past or any other country)
  • Not to be a health concern to non-citizen, suffering from any infectious diseases such as tuberculosis
  • Not be holding a visa that has no further stay condition

Check your eligibility for this visa at least twice. If you have any doubts, you can consult an immigration expert. The agency can provide you with assistance. It can clear your doubts.




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