Unified Creation Energy Theory


29 min readMar 18, 2023

2nd published draft. Revised 22.04.2023


Real discipline, like real love, does not stem from rules. It stems from truths. Rules must be enforced, thus there is resistance and energy expenditure. Truths just are. Spirituality is the same as religion. Religion is just a holistic way of experiencing reality. That’s all it is. There is nothing supernatural to it. Real religion, or real spirituality, is supposed to be a description of the truth. Right now, all we have are descriptions of rules. It is impossible to efficiently convey truth or discipline through a system of rules.

The system has created division without us even realizing it’s division. Religion and money are the same. Religion and science are the same. Education and morality are the same. Love and ethics are the same. There is no division. There is no fragmentation. We are all one.

Unified Creation Energy Theory is my attempt at putting together ideas from all fields of science and religion into a concise, cohesive description of the very nature of reality. Which is, in short, the science of energy.

More precisely: energy, expressed in layers.

The whole of our reality is based on energies. We are harnessing, directing, conserving and converting our energies. We, along with the rest of reality, are no more than energy fields ourselves. The whole universe is frequency, vibration. That means it’s all music. That means it’s all dance. Embrace it.


There are a few precursors one should know before being able to fully grasp the essence, or the magnitude of this theory. “Know” as in having experienced these things to be true. To know it, and be fully aware of it, one must experience it. Because believing isn’t enough. Studying about it isn’t enough. One must know it, and knowledge comes from experience.

The precursors are as follows:

  1. We are all just different expressions of the same underlying energy, so we are all one. You are the world and the world is you, and there is no past nor future, there is only now.
  2. All life is precious and humans are the pinnacle of nature, of life, thus most precious. Through us, this energy can experience itself most fully.
  3. In the absence of light, there is darkness. In the absence of vastness, there is nothingness. In the absence of life, there is death.

Do you know these things? Have you experienced them? If not, try to think why not? Have you even explored these questions? Questions of values, questions of who you are, on the absolute base layer. Not what people think you are or who you want to be. And not by reading books, or listening to gurus, or following programs. But by real, honest, inquisitive look inside?

Also, before I get into it, I’d like you to not take my words too literally. After all, they are just that, no more than words. Even though I do my best to articulate myself as accurately and elegantly as I can, mere words can never capture the true nature of reality. Again, it must be experienced. Besides the centrally controlled nature that doomed every religious institution, it was the taking words too literally (coupled with bending their meanings, of course), that most probably caused many of the distortions prevalent in religious/spiritual teachings today. All religions, all sciences; are stories. The words are mere symbols. As are the numbers, in math, for example. What these symbols are meant to do is convey the underlying truth as accurately as possible. Meanings of the words change. People define things differently. This is why I bring up parallels from religious stories, modern science or culture in general, and also use different words that describe the same principles. To embrace the symbolism. And also, to point out that once you understand the dynamics of what I’m trying to describe in one field of study, you can see the same mechanics working on all layers of human existence, thus (hopefully) giving you a much better grasp over reality itself.

The symbolism both conceals and reveals itself through language. Take the word UNIVERSE. U-N-I VERSE as in “you and I converse” and “verse” as in a story, so could also be said as “our story.” God and good. Devil and evil. With all that in mind, let’s get into the details.


The way this reality works is all based on energy. The flow of energy, the conservation of energy, the conversion of energy from one form into another. We, along with the rest of reality, are no more than energy fields ourselves. These energy fields exist within layers. There are essentially 3 layers to reality as we perceive it.

The first is Unity. Where everything is one, and everything is infinite. It is both the vastness and the nothingness; life and death. It is everything.

Figure 0. Unity / The Vastness / The Nothingness

The second is Duality. On this layer, everything is divided into two. Feminine and masculine. Life and death. Heaven and Hell. The Yin and Yang symbol is a great visual representation of this idea. Not just because it represents the duality, but also because it shows duality in a wrapper of Unity (the whole circle), as well as that there are parts of the other side in each (the little white circle of Yang in the Yin side and vice versa), and also that there is a wave, a frequency, a movement between those two sides (the invisible line that separates the Yin and the Yang).

Figure 1. Duality

The third is Trinity. As you may have guessed, on this layer, everything is divided into three. The body, mind and soul. The physical, mental and spiritual (the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost). While they work in unison, the order is important, because one lays the foundation for the next. One is a precondition for the next. There cannot be the Son without the Father. There cannot be the mind without the body. Thus, there cannot be mental or spiritual fitness without physical fitness. Just like, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there cannot be love, self-esteem or self-actualization unless the physiological and safety needs are met (man’s core tasks of protecting and providing).

Figure 2. Trinity

If we were to stack those visual representations atop of each other, we would come up with something like this:

Figure 3: Duality & Trinity Layered


In the beginning, there was… you guessed it, energy. Primordial energy. The Source. Big Bang. God. The Universe. Brahma. The egg. The chicken. Whatever you wanna call it, there was this something, something that can also simply be called energy. (Where did this energy originate from, that I do not yet know). Some say this energy is infinite. I have not verified that claim, nor am I sure how to do so, but if we assume that time and space are infinite, then we can very well assume that this energy is infinite.

This energy dispersed itself into the cosmos, to experience itself. From there, reality as we know it, was created. But it was a gradual process. Everything is energy, which is frequency. So at first, as this construct was being “built” and rules were being made, the nature of reality was much more fluid, much more malleable compared to what it is today. That’s why there are so many old stories and depictions of things that don’t make sense looking at them from a modern perspective, stories of half-men, half-animals, stories of “miracles,” stories of literal Gods walking amongst men on Earth. Sure, a lot of it is merely symbolic. A lot of it is probably artistic exaggeration on part of the ones telling the stories. Facts getting mixed up with rumors, with half-truths, etc. But there are fundamental truths presented in those stories, truths that held true at the time, because that’s how the world worked, because that’s how we all agreed upon. And yes, though much more ossified in terms of the rules, the vibratory nature of it all still deems it a high level of elasticity. Quantum physics and neuroscience are exploring these aspects of reality quite thoroughly these days.

So through the act of creation, or to be more exact, through converting this primordial energy continually from one form to another, gradually, we along with all the other inhabitants on this planet built up this world to look exactly the way it looks today. All of human flourishing has stemmed from us being able to harness more energy, or to direct and change the forms of energy more efficiently with the least amount of dissipation. Fire, wheel, combustion engine, microprocessors, etc. are all just ways of directing and changing the forms of energy. As are thoughts, words, squats. As is eating a burger. Because of the physicality of this world, most of these processes include a certain amount of friction, or energy loss. So reducing the friction, the energy wasted, or in other words, simply becoming more efficient in how much of the energy we are actually able to use is an important part of this equation (Ayurvedic approach to food and cooking is based on these principles, for example). The first law of thermodynamics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form. This means that any energy leaks in our systems are inherently to our detriment.


The fact that the Universe is energy and that energy is God is expressed in many ways. Throughout religions and other types of belief systems, all entities with high amounts of energy were held in high regard. The forces of nature. The ocean. Forces of good and evil. A reason why the Sun and other stars were so highly praised and dominant in all ancient cultures. Even today, we worship the Sun, in our own ways. This also means that this Source, the primordial energy, or God, is fundamentally in all things. That is what gives a “soul” to everything. So on a very basic, absolutely fundamental level, everything is an expression of God, so everything is the same, so everything is one.

However. Everything is not the same. You and I are different. We see and experience different things. These differences stem from the differences we have assumed in our physical bodies. And they result in differences in our wishes, needs, capabilities, levels of sentience, as well as differences in our egos. The only fundamental difference between a man and a pile of bricks is that a man can use, consume and alter different forms of energy and create himself, and life, through that. A pile of bricks also has energy, but because of its physicality it can’t do anything with it. Nor can it consume more energy to then, let’s say, expand its mental and spiritual capabilities, or to find another nice pile of bricks, get together and make new piles of bricks. A pile of bricks needs another God, a higher God in order to come into existence.


What is God? God is the Creator. Since we are a direct representation of God on Earth, our most basic need and mission is to create. Ourselves, first and foremost, through self-preservation and reproduction. That’s why these are the fundamental rules of everything and anything we can loosely categorize as animate. That’s why they’re called “laws of nature.” It is also why man-made constructs that have been given too much energy, become “alive” in some sense, uncontrollable by the people involved in it, with its main goals becoming the same as man’s: to survive and procreate. Not to serve and protect us, which is what all man-made constructs should do. And likewise, these constructs will try to find ways to capture more and more energy and to expand themselves. If these constructs were to remain in the “serve and protect” mode, then them gaining more energy would not be a problem. However, since there are always people making and/or enforcing the rules, these groups of people have the power to bend the rules according to their interests or be bought out, and since our nature is to create, and to create we always want more energy, they will invariably, sooner or later, abuse that power. So power does corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes. This is literally the story of every empire there ever has been, the story of fiat money, the story of all institutions, governments, monopolies, oligarchies, etc. This is what happens when the construct is given the chance to use us for energy, rather than us using the constructs. The constructs become the Gods.

So on the very basic level, how we can create is through… yes, you guessed it again, energy. Our physical bodies give us the baseline rules of creation. A rose plant cannot harness the energy of a juicy piece of beef steak because it does not have the physical capability to do so. A cow cannot harness the energy of a nuclear reactor for the same reasons. Humans can harness all of these energies. That’s why humans are at the top of the natural hierarchy commonly known as the food chain.

This is where Buddha gets it wrong. The Universe itself has given us the ability to harness these energies, thus we have the right to use them. The right to use them, but also the responsibility to use them to create more. More beauty, love, life, abundance, God. More of us, first and foremost, because we are the top of the food chain. We are the most perfect, most capable representation of that primordial energy on Earth. God made man in his own image. So according to the story, we are the apex, the alpha. But that also means that we are the ones responsible. And alphas, as one should know, are not responsible just for themselves, they are also responsible for everything else. The actual sense of that responsibility is not something that can be taught in school or what you get after finishing this text if you haven’t felt it yet. It stems from the real underlying knowledge of the oneness of everything.


Since life on Earth is the expression of love, which is truth, which is God, which is energy; or the lack of it, which is Hell, then the concepts of Heaven and Hell become much more of a gray area rather than black and white. And what I’m feeling now is that humanity as a whole is getting sucked into the system, which is the literal hell, so deeply and so wholly, that it may soon become difficult to reverse course.

The notion of Heaven and Earth is incorrect in and of itself. On that layer, there is only the duality — Heaven (vastness) and Hell (nothingness). The Earth, life as we live it, is merely an exchange between the two.


The vastness

And the nothingness

The difference between them

Is the human experience

In the absence of light, there is darkness. In the absence of vastness, there is nothingness. In the absence of life, there is death. It’s the invisible line between the black and the white in the Yin Yang symbol. It can choose.

This little poem is also literally a mathematical expression of the Earth’s “score” on a Universal scale, for example:

The vastness (Heaven) = 10

The nothingness (Hell) = 8

The difference between them = -

Is the human experience = 2

By the way, I can’t help but draw parallels between hell and bodily functions. Perhaps the process of going through (and coming out of) hell is something similar to the digestive process. You will still exist afterwards. Only you have been used up for all your energies and compared to what you were before, you’re shit. The fact that we are like little hell furnaces ourselves, and the fact that this whole ordeal in our bodies is also so close to the reproductive organs, is fascinating in and of itself. The duality of man expressing itself in yet another form.


We really are just parts of one whole. God particles, as I called them in “Life is Meaningless.” So the hierarchy which is called the food chain pretty much dictates who consumes whom’s energy i.e. eats them. Since the human form has captured its place at the top of the chain by being the most capable, most resistant to the elements, and creating the most, we have the right and indeed, a task to use these energies, everything that is natural, everything the Earth has to offer to us, to create more beauty, life and more of us, the sacred Guardians of it. Right now, we are letting The Kingdom of Death, or what others might call The Matrix, or what again others might call Hell get the best of us.

It is draining us of our life energy and we are allowing for it to happen. We are killing ourselves as well as all other forms of life on this planet. If this continues, then, at one point, mother Earth or the Universe at large must reset the gameboard and assign new Guardians. So the keys to survive and thrive are to pretty much just consume and conserve energy and create even better things out of it. Not just consume energy and waste it, or let it be taken from us unfairly. And, again, since energy cannot be created or destroyed but only changed in form, this means all types of energy. Sexual/life energy. Mental energy. Physical energy. Spiritual or psychic or soul energy which stems from living in harmony and in tune (we are all frequency :) ) with ourselves and nature. Economic energy.

I’ve mentioned the vastness and the nothingness. The vastness is God, the Universe, and nothingness is death, and not even just death, I think it’s actually what they call Hell. The mission of The Kingdom of Death is to pull as much energy into the nothingness as it can. These “God particles” that are distributed between us and the whole of reality as we perceive it, is the absolute highest form of energy. God particles or pieces of this one unified consciousness we are all a part of. We are the highest level of creation, thus we have, in a sense, the highest concentration of said particles within us. Perhaps the purest form of this energy is what we can sometimes visually perceive as auras. The enlightenment from within, which is emanating to the outside. True wealth emanates from within. So just like there is a competition between species here on Earth for who gets to be at the top of the hierarchy, there is one on another level, where Death is trying to feast on all the energies we, humans, have and control. If it can kill and misguide us, life’s Guardians, then it can by default kill literally everything and anything else because through us, by using us, it is also able to consume all other forms of energy.


One of the first things I learned when I started doing yoga was how interconnected really our physical, mental and spiritual layers are. As I took better care of myself and got stronger, I could notice my mental and spiritual capabilities also increase. Moreover, I could notice how physical effort made a difference on mental and spiritual energy levels. Physical effort made meditation achievable. This is why the best mental help advice is to do something physical. This is why Jordan Peterson talks about the importance of “keeping your sock drawer in order.” And this is why, one could get caught up with the channelings and the crystals and all that, which is what happens when people willfully direct too much energy into the mental and spiritual realms without taking proper care of the physical first. Since everything is a reflection of everything, the base layer of the world we live in is also very physical, or at least, we perceive and experience it mostly as physical, we have to obey its constraints and rules first and foremost. They are the rules of the larger game. If we want to successfully play our own little games within this big game (these games also work in layers), we have to know this. Besides our technological prowess and actual physical strength and power, it is the economic energy that can give us the highest capabilities of creating something on the base layer.


Let’s get to the root of not all, but most of all evil. What we have to protect against and where we are still failing. The greatest fallacy of “spiritual” people is discounting the value of money (no pun intended). Money is not a goal. It’s a tool. But more importantly, it’s energy (literally, purchasing power). An abstraction of time and work. A tool that helps us fulfill most of our basic physiological and safety needs, the first 2 layers of Maslow’s hierarchy. You don’t want the money, but you do want the optionality that money gives you. You want to be able to support your wife and kids. You want more free time. You want respect. You want to go on a vacation to the Caribbean. You want a big house. You want to save for a rainy day. Money is liquid energy, meaning the type of energy that can very easily be converted into another form. It’s also a measure of freedom, because it is that energy that literally allows us to purchase space (land, real estate, part of a company, a car, anything physical) and time (go on holidays, quit your job, hire people or machines to do things for you, etc). Since economic energy is very physical in nature, and the foundation of this reality itself is very physical, we require it to survive. And if you don’t have enough money, that economic energy to sustain an inspiring and nourishing lifestyle, or the money that you use is broken by design, then you are forced to convert other types of energies into it. The types of energies that you might actually really need for yourself, for other activities. You have to sell your time and space, and your soul. This essentially corresponds to the second law of thermo- dynamics. Entropy always increases; and heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects, or “downhill.”

Money is also a battery for this economic energy because it has to hold, conserve that energy for whenever you want to use it. In the current financial system, called the fiat system (fiat meaning by decree), the battery is being drained through taxation, inflation, outright theft and by conditioning you to spend that energy on things that are actually harmful or simply useless for you. As that happens, and as we naturally need a balance between the different energy bodies, we automatically start balancing out that loss by pulling energies down from our spiritual and mental layers and into the physical, thus making us poorer on all levels of our being in the process. In addition, there tends to be some degree of friction when converting energies from one form to another, so there is also additional energy dissipation. When you see and understand these mechanics, and how all types of the different energies we have are interrelated and interchangeable, you can clearly see how through this giant hole in the foundation of the house that we live in, the life energy of our very beings is being stolen.

It then becomes obvious that any sort of spiritual awakening on a grand scale is virtually impossible because people simply don’t have the energy for it. Furthermore, the requirement for inflation in the fiat system means prices have to go up forever, which then in turn means we will be forever stuck in a mindset of scarcity, poverty and ever-growing divide between the haves and the have-nots.


Since economic energy is very much a physical issue, and it is the men who are mainly in charge of the physical, it is safe to say that at the core of the problem are the weak men. Not the minority of men who are “too strong,” “too competitive” or portray other qualities of “toxic masculinity.” But the majority of men, my old self included, who have been too weak and too lazy, giving away their most basic capabilities of being able to protect and provide in exchange for “safety,” for control, for an easy life filled with mindless pleasures. The old adage “weak men create hard times” is certainly true. These are the hard times, in case you hadn’t noticed. The institution of fiat money has made men weak, yes. But it is the men that allowed for it to happen, in exchange for “safety,” in exchange for empty promises, fake money and life in debt. Fiat money was given this energy by men. It is literally based on trust and nothing else. And trust, although a very powerful type of energy, is also extremely fragile. The fragility of this trust is starting to show and this is why it is so important to be aware of the alternative.


Since these men, “the elite” (which is an utterly inappropriate expression, Aleks Svetski’s proposed “parasites” is a much more apt way to put it), have garnered their power in a system that resembles Hell rather than Heaven, then of course they will be disconnected from their mental and spiritual bodies, and make bad decisions on those layers. Since through the physical, economic layer of reality they are awarded not for adding value, but for bending and changing the rules, and detracting value, then they won’t even realize that they are doing anything wrong. Because the system keeps awarding them for their misguided actions. Since these people have gathered so much power, then their system, their way of doing things reflects itself onto all other layers of reality as well.


The question of “What is Money?” has been obscured and made painfully difficult to answer, and for a reason. You are not supposed to understand how money works, because if you did, you would see the absolute scam behind it. Especially the monstrosity which we know as the fiat system today, has been deliberately designed in a way that even someone proficient with money in general, would have a hard time understanding and articulating. In fact, the “education” system never really asks the question of what is money at all, they just tell you what money is.


If the money is broken, then the incentives are broken. And incentives are everything, incentives are what make people work. Incentives determine the flow of energy. People naturally want money, because they want energy, because their primary task is to create, and to create is to simply change one form of energy into another. Thus, if money can be manipulated by people, it will be. It always has been. Until Bitcoin. The beauty of Bitcoin is that it is a system where everybody has the same rules and nobody can bend them in their favor. Whether it be me, you, Elon Musk or the country of Japan, the rules are the same. This is why it is a trustless system — no trust in any 3rd party required. The Bitcoin Standard will allow us to move into a world where:

  1. Actual time, encrypted energy and physical scarcity are the de facto inputs for the money, giving the money supply an ever-expanding baseline of energy even without any human labor attached to it
  2. The time and work that you put into it while acquiring it can not be siphoned away by anyone changing the rules of the system. It is, what Michael Saylor would call, a “thermodynamically secure” system, because the energy is encrypted and the underlying asset carrying that energy, is scarce

This, also, might sound complicated, but in reality it is really not. On a fundamental level, looking at it from the perspective of energy, then in the current system, the money simply has no energy inputs (it can be “printed out of thin air”), thus it has no baseline energy attached to it. The only energies it contains are the trust we put in it (we trust that we can take our $20 bill and go to the store, and they will accept the bill for goods and services) and the work we ourselves directly put into it by working for it. And since the rules of the system can easily be changed by those in power, they will be changed, and those changes will inevitably favor those in power. Through the constant changes in the rules of the game, the energy that we do attach to the money via trust and work, is being siphoned away from us at all times. And if that’s not enough, most of the “money” circulating today is actually credit i.e. debt, which means the amount owed is always larger than the actual amount of money, which means the current system needs inflation, because it needs for the money supply to grow because otherwise the debt can’t be repaid and the world will go bankrupt. Quite simple.

In the Bitcoin system, money creation has an actual cost, real energy inputs, expressed in the forms of time (which is ever-increasing because of how the rules of the system have been set, with the number of new bitcoin being issued cut in half approximately every 4 years), electricity (which is also ever-increasing because as more and more people choose this system, the competition to mine the new Bitcoin gets tougher and people have to come up with more efficient ways to generate electricity to mine Bitcoin), physical scarcity (directly in the form of the mining hardware, and indirectly in the form of the energy production infrastructure powering it) and human ingenuity (in the forms of increasing the efficiency of both energy production and the mining hardware). These 4 inputs, in short, are what makes this system increase in value and purchasing power, forever, even if you yourself don’t work for it. That’s one of the ways this system is so beautiful and so charitable. Just by choosing this system, you can enjoy the fruits of ever-increasing human creativity, efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Such a system has never before existed before Bitcoin, and perhaps never will after it. Every system so far has been subject to manipulation. That is why we can’t even begin to imagine the new world. Nobody’s ever experienced it yet, nobody’s seen it yet. We can only speculate, but in the end we are simply stuck in extrapolating truths from the fake fiat world into a world of pure truth. We just don’t know what exactly will be. But since we know how the system works and how incentives work, and some of us are already experiencing these things, we do know some things that will hold true.

How this energy accumulation and conservation is expressed in reality is that prices (it is important to remember that “prices” are merely an agreement) of everything are going down forever, thus bringing us to an age of abundance. Through abundance we can heal and nourish our physical world and bodies, and then cultivating mental and spiritual health becomes not only easily, but naturally. When the three realms of consciousness are properly energized, only then can the new, improved generation of leaders, masters of various disciplines, philosophers, entrepreneurs, Guardians of Life, be born and raised. I believe we will see a world where men like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Tesla, are not only commonplace, but average.


Bitcoin is also an analogy. And it is such a perfect analogy that I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I think it was meant to be that way, or in other words, it’s another expression of the fact that everything is a reflection of everything. The story of how Bitcoin came to be mirrors the story of Creation itself. First there was some energy/entity (God/Satoshi). Now, some say it’s one God, some say there’s multiple. Nobody really agrees on who the actual God is. Some claim to be God, but clearly, are not. Sounds quite similar to the story of Satoshi. Anyway, he created this thing. Seemingly out of nowhere. Of course, that is not the case. There are always prototypes, previous lessons and precursors. At first, the rules of the system are not yet set in stone. There is dialogue between Satoshi and the first members of the system. As was between God and the first humans. He watches over his creation for a while, as it grows and develops, protects it and tries to teach it a few things. There was a bug in the original code of Bitcoin, one that would have let a nefarious entity create more Bitcoin. It was discovered and fixed. Later, as the network grew, the rules started to become ossified. Then, there was a moment. In the Bible, Eve bit the apple. Here, it was WikiLeaks starting to accept Bitcoin. That’s when the responsibility became real. That’s when God gave his powers over to us, as did Satoshi. That’s why the saying “We are all Satoshi” is literally the same as saying “We are all God.” We are all the creators, upholders of this system. “Have fun staying poor” is the equivalent to “Go to Hell.” Bitcoin has, like any system that has significant energy inputs, also gained a sort of sentience. And it will keep “consuming” increasingly large amounts of energy. However, in that system, the energy is also conserved (thermodynamically secure) and the rules have become truths, thus no one can change them, thus the game is fair. Also, similarly to how the system which we call our reality works, Bitcoin also works in layers. There must be the base layer of immutable truth, of pure information and energy. Then, other solutions can be built on top, so that it is the previous layer that provides the rules/framework for the next, and the next layer itself has the ability to be more malleable, more creative. We see this happening with Bitcoin/Lightning Network/Nostr now already. And again, the systems reflect each other. The social network of Bitcoin is another layer. The businesses working on Bitcoin products is another, etc. Also, like God, Bitcoin is permissionless, meaning that anybody, at any time, can join the network.

Last, but definitely not least, Satoshi also knew the ultimate and final step to life and death: to let go. He has not moved his coins nor spoken ever again after the departure. Satoshi chose to let go twice: first by giving up control of the Bitcoin project, and then again by deciding not to move the coins that he mined in the early days, thus making a donation to all Bitcoin holders forever.

God is a decentralized entity. We became Gods the moment Eve bit the apple, and again when Satoshi left. That was the moment we got the powers, the knowledge, the sentience as we perceive it as humans. Before that we were on the same level with plants and animals, and God watched over us. But in that moment, we took over God’s place as the supreme creators and Guardians of all life on Earth. And since it was Eve that took the first bite, women were tasked with the highest task of all: to bring more life, more of God into the world (Julian Assange, of course, was thrown in jail). That’s why we call her mother Earth. Selflessly, she gives us these energies to sustain and create ourselves. And she also gives us this beautiful, nurturing environment where we can do so.


Beauty is divinity. This is why all the old religious buildings are so grandiose, with intricate sculptures, paintings and all sorts of energy intensive artwork in them. They were expressing that energy, God, love, creation, the same thing. That’s also sexual attraction. You see a beautiful person and your body is like: “Yes. We could create a beautiful, capable life, an extension of God, together.” That’s why it’s also a huge shame that this beauty, just like the money, this divinity is constantly being used against us.

Since we are all Gods in a way, we do have our own personal truths. There is but one universal truth, and that is love, and that is God, and that is the Universe, and that is the Tao. Truths and rules are not entirely the same thing though. The base rules of this reality are built on its physicality. The differences between forms of creative expression. The differences between man and the ocean. The differences between man and woman. The duality is vital to maintain balance. Women are more mental and spiritual, men are more mental and physical. Economic energy is also very physical in nature, which is one of the reasons men are naturally more interested and better in fields related to economics and finance. What I learned from yoga I was already learning from life: it is that the physical, mental and spiritual framework must all be there, strong and developed, in order to build higher order values on top of it. Again, similarly, we need a strong and developed base layer on the economic level in the form of hard money. The blood of the economic body, exchange of energy between supply and demand. That’s also why any religious or spiritual practice that doesn’t include physical training or disregards the physical body, is incorrect. Only then, if there is a balanced foundation, the right environment, can we create anything we can possibly dream of. I can see a future for us, for the whole of humanity, where we actually fulfill our duties as the highest form of expression on Earth and as the Guardians of Life. We are the warriors in the garden. We are The Legion of Love.


The first order of duties is to regain control over our energies. Starting with the physical, the body and the money. What I’m saying is nothing new. I’m saying the same things Jesus was saying. We are all God; sons and daughters of the same primordial energy, of love. But we don’t act like it, because we can’t, because we don’t have the energy.

If we are all one, and everything is a reflection of everything, then religion is a reflection of God, and God is a reflection of money, and government is a reflection of that, then it becomes apparent it was only the centralized nature of these institutions that doomed them. Now, since we have Bitcoin, this perfect system mimicking the system of reality itself, then this particular system also starts reflecting itself into other systems. This is why bitcoiners tend to become more aware of some of the really basic things like the importance of food, family, art, spirituality, they actually start to understand the fact that energy underpins everything because they are experiencing it, unfolding in real time.

To go further into the symbolism and back to the visual representation of Unity/Duality/Trinity, we can overlay the universal symbol for love (heart) on top of the figure, and we get a representation of how love leads to enlightenment, which is a way of breaking through the borders of the underlying structures.

Figure 4: Enlightenment stems from love


Time and space itself also works as a system of layers. You can look at time as not a linear string of events, but rather a series of snapshots layered atop of each other. Both are, again, just frequencies (the definition of “time” itself implies a frequency). Maybe since time and space are linked, and time keeps expanding, then the Universe must expand also? Like a tree, adding layers of rings on its trunk with each passing year. And perhaps time is not linear, but rather exponential, and that is why both space and time are expanding faster and faster, and perhaps that is why we must expand/raise our consciousness/vibration higher and higher, to keep in tune with the symphony of the Universe? And maybe, when there is a high enough frequency, then we reach escape velocity, everything and anything literally turns into light, the whole of reality as we know it becomes enlightened, and thus, like an explosion, we are thrown back into where we started from. All this energy floating around, trying to find shape and function (isn’t that what we still are…?). If time had a shape, I’d bet it’s an elliptical sphere (which is apparently called an ellipsoid, which is also what the Earth is). Obviously I am only speculating, but my main point is the following:

Now that we have an understanding of the underlying systems, which are energetic in nature and in which our abilities to survive and flourish are based on our capabilities to sense, direct and use these energies on different layers of our being, we can:

1) Start noticing this system expressing itself in different layers of existence

2) Experience it and thus verify that it is true

3) Start voting for better things with our energies and detach from systems that are draining ours


How we really vote and manifest things is through our… energies. Starting to get pretty simple, right? Mantras, prayers are types of voting, types of directing energies towards a certain direction. As are thoughts. As is money. As is time. Attention. So one of the core themes of getting the base layer, the physical, correct, is voting with time, money and attention. Whatever we vote for, whatever we buy, whatever we watch or listen to, whatever we do with our time: we are voting for more of that, we are saying to the Universe that this is good. You buy a can of beer, you are voting for more beer. You spend time at the beach, you are voting for more time at the beach. You keep your money in the fiat system and in a bank, you are voting for more fiat money and more banks. Where there is demand, there will be supply. Simple economics.

This is why I believe real intelligence, real awakening is actually so easy, it’s scarily easy even. Because it’s important to understand and follow just the few fundamental laws according to which our experience here is built upon. Everything is a reflection of everything. The same mechanics play out on all levels. The atom looks eerily similar to the solar system, doesn’t it?

Energy is God, since energy is the source of all creation, and God is the source of all creation, and to regain your energy is to regain our energy and our status as an integral and powerful part of it.

God = love = truth = energy = time = Bitcoin

Figure 5: Life is an exchange between the vastness and the nothingness

This is all still a work in progress. Please do correct me where I’m wrong or am missing something. Keen to hear your thoughts, feedback, counterarguments, perhaps other areas of life where you see these mechanics play out, etc.

Reach out:

I’m on Nostr: npub1qfc7rwddjl3lzhkhgge8ch82xjfm6e3gqcgk8zm6pahz3tvvl7gq88xnrh

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kontext17

Everywhere else: https://linktr.ee/mckontext

Much love,


Additional credits:

Taoism icon by Pham Duy Phuong Hung via Noun Project (used in figures 1, 3, 4, 5)

Infinity icon by Martin Chapman Fromm via Noun Project (used in figure 5)

