One thing to Follow in Finding the Right Therapist

Maureen Clancy
2 min readMar 26, 2018


I love this topic because it involves one of my favorite ways to know about something.

Before I get to that, I am going to share something with you.

I’ve been on both sides of therapy room. I’m a therapist now, but I also have spent time on the other side of the room as a client.

I know firsthand that finding the right therapist is the most important part of getting therapy that actually helps. You can go to the most popular, buzzed-about therapist, but if it’s not a good fit, you’ll be less than buzzed.

I went to a few who felt totally wrong.

Andrew Black via Compfight

The first therapist was a guy with a snazzy downtown address. Once I stepped into his office, I immediately felt out of place. He listened silently as I poured out my heart out. At the end, he said “You’re depressed and need medication.” That was all he said. (Check, please.)

Then I tried a female therapist, thinking that I’d feel more comfortable with a woman. She was OK, I think. I don’t remember much about her, because her office had such harsh overhead fluorescent lights that I left with a headache, never to return.

I tried another who ate her dinner while she listened to me. Yet another wrote his notes while I talked.

None of these therapists felt right.

Then there were the other two, at separate times in my life for separate issues. Collette was older, with a lot of experience. Beth was fresh out of grad school. They each had completely different styles. Through their words, their body language and their offices, I felt safely held. I knew that I’d be able to work on whatever I needed.

My intuition said yes.

Using my intuition is hands-down my favorite way to know about something.

Looking for a therapist? Here’s my best advice:

  1. Google therapists in your area.
  2. Call them. If the conversation feels right, go for an initial session.
  3. Then check in with yourself. Trust your intuition. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t go back.
  4. Repeat until your intuition says yes.



Maureen Clancy

Psychotherapist for Gate Passages — times of life transitions, big and small. Flower essence maker. Lover of tacos and awkward moments.