Mcleo Midzi
1 min readJul 23, 2021

Funny Relatable Things Everyone Does.

  1. Searching for your phone while holding it in your hand.
  2. Overthinking eye contact.
  3. Rehearsing a conversation in your head that you will probably never have.
  4. Receiving a reply to your email, but re-reading the email you sent first.
  5. Checking your symptoms on the internet.
  6. When you ask for the price of an item and it turns out you don’t have enough money to pay for it. So you act as if you are still unsure whether to buy or not.
  7. Hearing your own voice in a recording and wanting to apologize to every single person you have talked to.
  8. Waiting for someone to stop calling before you can use your phone again.
  9. Asking "what?" even though you heard what the person said.
  10. Have a full-on conversations with yourself.
  11. Saying "yes" when someone asks you if you have seen/heard something, even though you haven’t.
  12. When writing "Wednesday," you think of it as "Wed-nes-day."
  13. Having to reread what you just read because you weren’t paying attention to what you were reading.
  14. Construct the perfect comeback or joke, even though the moment has already passed.
  1. Think about what you would say in certain situations if you were a celebrity.