Features of a Good Apprenticeship Employer

2 min readApr 3, 2018


Nowadays, we have many job classifications. Some are clerical, managerial, apprenticeship, technical, manual, professional, elementary and others. These subdivisions require a different level of skills and have different salaries. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) is an organization that classifies and organizes information on jobs. In this article, we shall focus on the apprenticeship. This is the training of new practitioners while they are still studying. The practitioner must be able to balance the classwork and the job. In a day, some hours are set for the classwork while the others are spent working. The practitioner is able to meet his/her requirement while still learning since he/she receives a salary. The following are qualities of a good apprenticeship employer.

A good fully funded apprenticeship employer should be licensed. The license is a lawful document issued by the relevant authorities to a professional as a permit to offer services. The document needs to have all the right security features and have a future expiry date in order to be considered valid. Since the document is only issued after the achieving of the minimum set standards, it is a sign of competency. A client should ask for a license from the employer before enrolling for an apprenticeship job.

A competent apprenticeship employer should have a good pay. In this case, the pay is the money given to the practitioner as an appreciation of his/her services. Many employers have poorly paid their apprenticeship employers since they do not fully spend their time working. A competent employer should have relatively higher salaries and allowances for his/her practitioners. Just like the other types of employees, the apprenticeship workers also need to feel appreciated and be part of the company.

A good apprenticeship employer should have good communication skills. When addressing and training the practitioners, perfect verbal and non-verbal communication skills are very important. They enable the practitioner to grasp and understand the information given by the employer. The employer should have good reading and writing skills since apprenticeship involves a lot of paperwork. The employer should also have a good use of facial expressions, gestures, tone intonation, eye-contact and turn-taking. Know more facts about education, go http://www.ehow.com/education/k12/.

A competent employer should offer permanent job opportunities to his/her practitioner. The goal of every student is to get a good job after completing his/her studies. The apprenticeship employer should also absorb the practitioners immediately their complete their studies. Since the employer has spent plenty of time with the practitioners, he/she knows their different working capacities and therefore will be able to place them strategically in the organization.

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