Take your UX up a notch with KRYMOH

Maxwell Cofie
3 min readJul 23, 2017


Krymoh — CSS Framework

I started web application development some years ago and I must say it’s been a roller-coaster ride beyond any reasonable doubt. As internet connectivity litters the globe, the need to build applications and products to soar on the wings of this innovation has never been pressing a need than it is now.

My first website I built was obviously a personal website [just playing it safe] which never got live and currently sits idly in my Google drive😫😥. As you would have imagined, this website was literally lifeless, aside the fact that it was structurally incorrect in accordance with the HTML & CSS syntax, at some points I must say — you can literally feel the tranquil effect it gives when the website is visited in my web browser , very static and graphically non-intuitive — quite depressing huh!

Well not too long after, there came my second one — an e-commerce website. This one clearly was a big one, as it wasn’t a personal project but one that customers were avid & impatient to use. It took a while to get this done as I built everything from ground up oblivious of the numerous frameworks available as at then. The core functionalities were done, but the web application still needed garnish .

The need to add live to my web applications came crashing at my feet and begging for attention. In response to this plea, I pounced on a couple of CSS and JavaScript frameworks. In all the chunk I encountered there was this one thing I was looking for, a quite comprehensive yet basic framework that handles most of my needs in its entirety.

Krymoh was birthed based on a need for an all inclusive framework that performs the basic of functionalities on a web page. Its a framework that basically does the simple things that every web page needs to enhance user interaction and activity flow. It was written with SASS hence the modular paradigm. Krymoh [version — 1.0.1] ships with five (5) core components
1. Animations
2. Filters
3. Transitions
4. Color Gradients
5. Translations

These are carefully written modular components that allows for modifications.

Official Webpage — Krymoh

It was pretty fun and exciting writing this framework from ground up. I learnt a host of new things along the way. I discovered awesome CSS tricks I never knew existed. I am open to suggestions, new perspectives and insights.

The framework is currently available on GitHub, your contribution and suggestions are gladly welcome.

Krymoh Framework — https://github.com/mcofie/krymoh

Krymoh Website — https://mcofie.github.io/krymoh/

