How to Work from Home (Without Going Nuts)

Tai McPherson
8 min readMar 7, 2024
WFH’s a bit like a rollercoaster — part scary, part fun!

I never thought I’d ever work from home full-time.

It’s not something I wanted to do, but in the trainwreck that was 2020, it just happened. In less than 24 hours, my office went from ‘there’s no way we can afford laptops for everyone in the team’ to ‘here’s your kit, see you in a month’.

I kid you not — we’d been fighting the laptop battle for weeks.

Since then, I have been working from home. No more office for me.

I won’t lie. Even now, the idea of having only the cat for company makes my tummy summersault (and you should know I really love that crazy ginger ball of fur).

I’m a social creature. I enjoy picking an outfit for the next day and popping over to a colleague’s desk for a chat. So, it’s safe to say that giving all this up took some adjusting.

I wish I could say that I quickly established healthy habits that made working from home sustainable right away.

But the reality is, it took me falling into a pit of chaos. Slowly, I started to dig myself out of it and came up with this guide that will help you find the best set-up to work from home and keep your sanity.

Check it out.

The Obvious

