Managing OpenAI API Costs: Strategies and Best Practices

10 steps to managing your OpenAI costs

Mark Craddock
2 min readMay 30, 2023

Utilising the OpenAI API can offer valuable benefits, but it’s crucial to manage its usage carefully to avoid unexpected costs. Here are some strategies and best practices for managing your OpenAI usage costs:

Understand the Pricing Model

Before using the OpenAI API, thoroughly understand how you’ll be charged. Pricing for the GPT-3/4 API is based on the number of tokens processed, which includes both input and output tokens.

Monitor API Usage

Always keep track of your API usage. If possible, create a usage dashboard to monitor your current usage and trends. You can do this by storing usage information returned in the API response header for every call.

Optimise Token Usage

Reducing the number of tokens processed can help manage costs:

  • Use concise prompts and limit the max tokens in the response.
  • Consider using smaller models if they meet your requirements, as larger models typically require more tokens.
  • Use OpenAI’s tiktoken Python library to count tokens in a text string without making an API call.

Manage Retry Attempts

If you have a retry logic in place, manage it wisely. You are charged for each API call, even if it results in an error. Excessive retries can lead to higher costs.

Implement Rate Limiting

Implement a rate-limiting feature in your application to control the number of API requests made per unit of time. It will not only help control usage but also ensure that your application stays within OpenAI’s rate limits.

Use Test Environments for Development

Use test environments for development and testing. Only use the OpenAI API in production when necessary to reduce unnecessary costs. Use different API keys for each environment.

Understand and Use Soft and Hard Limits

OpenAI API has soft and hard rate limits. Knowing these limits and planning your usage around them can help avoid unexpected costs.

API Key Security

Ensure API keys are stored securely. Unauthorized use of your API key can lead to excessive charges.

Use OpenAI’s Support and Resources

Leverage OpenAI’s support team, online resources, and community forums for strategies to reduce costs and understand the best practices.

By following these strategies, you can optimise your usage of the OpenAI API while effectively managing costs and avoiding unexpected charges. Remember, your approach may need to change over time, so regularly review your usage and adjust your strategies accordingly.



Mark Craddock

Techie. Built VH1, G-Cloud, Unified Patent Court, UN Global Platform. Saved UK Economy £12Bn. Now building AI stuff #datascout #promptengineer #MLOps #DataOps