Amazon Code Whisperer — AI Tool for Developers | Free Tier Available

Na Sha
3 min readApr 17, 2023


Amazon recently released Code Whisperer, an AI tool that generates code for developers based on their comments in natural language and code in the integrated development environment (IDE). Code Whisperer is a machine learning-powered service that helps improve developer productivity by generating code recommendations. It is similar to GitHub Co-pilot but there are some differences that set it apart from GitHub’s offering.

Free for Individuals, Inbuilt Security Scanning

The most significant difference between Code Whisperer and Co-pilot is that the former is currently free for individuals. Amazon is offering two tiers of Code Whisperer: a professional-level tier and a free tier. The free tier is a great way for Amazon to catch up with the competition and attract users .

One of the standout features of Code Whisperer is its inbuilt security scanning. Unlike Co-pilot, Code Whisperer has an integrated security scan that can detect any vulnerabilities that are already known and documented against your code. This feature will be particularly useful for those who are security-minded. The tool is integrated with AWS services and tools like Lambda and S3. Code Whisperer is optimized for the most-used AWS services and APIs .


As mentioned earlier, there are two tiers of Code Whisperer: individual and professional. The professional tier costs $20 per month per user and comes with more security scans. On the free tier, you are limited to 50 security scans per user per month. If you are paying $20 a month, you get 500 security scans.


Code Whisperer’s security scans are currently supported for Python, Java, and JavaScript only. However, CodeWhisperer supports code generation for 15 programming languages. The accuracy and quality of the code generation for a programming language depends on the size and quality of the training data. In terms of the quality of the training data, the programming languages with the most support are Java and Python.

Using Code Whisperer

To use Code Whisperer, you need to install the AWS Toolkit extension for VS Code. Once you have done this, open VS Code and create a new project. Code Whisperer should be running, and you can start using it to generate code. The tool provides suggestions for functions like adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers.


Code Whisperer is a great tool for developers who want to generate code quickly and easily. With its inbuilt security scanning, it’s also a great tool for those who are security-minded. Although it is currently limited to a few languages, it is an excellent addition to any developer’s toolkit.

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Originally published at on April 17, 2023.



Na Sha

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