The Cliffs of Schizophrenia
I’m spilling over with stories about how my son Jake and I wrote this book. Writing a book is always way harder than we could ever imagine. It certainly was for me. I’d already written a 330 page novel about an actress at the top of her game until her past catches up with her. That unpublished baby (and it is good) still sits on my desk after 30 years of grocery lists, children’s problems, bills to pay, world wide pandemic, vacations, death of parents and birth of grandchildren, on and on. Life goes on and dreams go flaccid in a cloud of procrastination. Oof, do I procrastinate. That is until recently.
About 12 years ago my son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. My brilliantly creative boy who was headed for a dazzling career in film. We recognized his passion as early as 9 years old when he was hooking up multiple vhs machines to edit his videos. Self taught and obsessed with all things cinema.
Jake struggled through years of doctors and ever changing medications. On the parent side, my husband and I went to support groups, alcohol rehab meetings where I was always labeled as the enabler. I swear mom’s get all of it. It’s all our fault. In rehab, my trying to explain that Jake needed his medication brought such condescending smiles. They were amused that I didn’t get it.
To fast-forward you to recent years, I suggested to Jake that we might be able to write a book together about his journey with schizophrenia. What followed was such an adventure and one that was not for the faint of heart. No siree. This is all included in our story. The book will go into pre-sale in the next couple weeks so you can see for yourself.
Jake has created a fabulous website that will also open next week. Find it at I’ll let you know here when it’s up and running.
Our book is available in ebook, and but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the book itself for a bit longer. It’s worth the wait. Please stay in touch. Let me know your stories and spread the word.