Guide to Visualizing Code Structure with GPT-4 and Bard

2 min readFeb 9, 2024


Recently, Google Bard was rebranded as Gemini, introducing enhanced capabilities including visual identification, similar to those found in GPT-4. To explore these advancements, I conducted an experiment to reverse-engineer an image using the socket() data structure, visualized through Excalidraw. It contains visual identification as well as GPT-4V have. As such I came into being to make a design description to reverse engineer an Image. As such, I looked inside my socket() data structure and made a structural picture of it through excalidraw.

Prompt : Neorealism in GPT4 vs Bard
Crappy Excalidraw Picture ❌D
BARD Output

Now lets see the GPT4 output — — →

GPT-4 Output

From the above we can see both GPT4 and Bard has quite a similar output. And then again GPT4 has added an extra output where it tried to predict what is the image about and it did quite a lot of the context. This also poses a question how can we improve our cognitive thinking with this ? !_!

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#CodeVisualization #GPT4 #BardAI #PromptEngineering




Software Engineer | Mechanical Engineer | Redis Side Quest Hackathon Winner | Gen AI Enthusiast