Learning through Images & BARD AI

2 min readJul 28, 2023


Can we use image and AI as a colaborative learning tool ? Can it help us learn something faster and in an efficient way? There are so many books and articles written that portray various paths. There is a huge fear of AI can take our lives away. And then again today we are going to show you how it can help us with ultra learning.

Bard AI is a new learning tool from Google that uses AI to personalize your learning experience.

  1. Go to bard.google.com
Graphical Interface of Bard

2. Click to upload your image of the desired learning content you want to learn. It could be a flowchart, design structure. In here I use the basic image of a solar system.

Source: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/669/348/original/solar-system-infographics-with-sun-and-planets-orbiting-around-and-their-names.jpg

3. Then I wrote the prompt “ Based on the given photo help me learn about the detailed concept of the given picture”

Voila !!! It gives us an idea about the image and also it gives relevant resources to go more in deep of the given picture.

So the tool is going to help us learn a bit more faster and curb a lot of information overload we have. Furthermore I would like to know your opinions and views on how you have used the tool to streamline your learning process. Don’t forget to comment or inform about your process workflow.

If you have found any mistakes or have any feedbacks regarding my posts don’t forget to write to me through email : mabbas@students.42wolfsburg.de or slack mabbas




Creative Tech Innovator | Rust | Mechanical Engineer | Redis Side Quest Hackathon Winner | Gen AI Enthusiast