What is web development? What things learn to become a full-stack developer?

Md Nawazish
3 min readJun 15, 2020


Web development is a very wide area that covers lots of things into it. In short, one can say that website that runs on the internet is developed by a web developer, but it is not totally correct as web development is evolved so much that using web technologies one can make mobile apps as well as desktop apps also.

From the most simple, static web pages to social media platforms and apps, from e-commerce websites to content management systems (CMS); all the tools we use via the internet on a daily basis have been built by web developers.

Difference Between Web Development and Web Design.

You might have heard web development and web design used interchangeably, but both are totally different things.

Suppose In developing a car the functionality of the car is the responsibility of a web developer but how it looks in terms of design, colors, and visuals is managed by a web designer.
The same way the things which you see on the internet is developed by Web developer but the design provided by the web designer. A web designer is also responsible for UI/UX of the website which is humongous in itself only

Web development can be broken down into two layers:
client-side coding (frontend),
server-side coding (backend) and database technology.

a) Frontend — It is defined as the part which is visible to the user or user able to interact with it is called front-end and the person works on only the front-end part known as a front-end developer.

Technologies to be learned to become a front-end developer

  1. HTML — It helps to decide the skeleton of the website. It is just like the pillars as well as the wall in the house, only these things decide the skeleton of the house.
  2. CSS — It helps to style the website, you must have seen the different design of websites which is possible only due to CSS. Using house example we can say that the plaster, whitewashing and some designs things which you see in the house is the CSS of house
  3. Javascript — It helps to interact with the website, just when you open the website and seeing the image carousel moving it’s just because of JS. In the example of a house, you can say that wiring and plumber things that interact with the person and give a response according to that.

b) Backend — It is defined as the part which is not visible to the user, by click on the login button the process which happened in the backside is known as backend. and the person who works on only back-end part is known as a back-end developer

Technologies to be learned to become back-end developer

  1. database(MySQL/MongoDB) — It is used for the persistence of data as when you upload pictures you don't want to lose it when you come next time, so it should be stored to the database till u don’t delete it.
  2. nodejs/PHP/python — It is responsible for the logic behind when you click on the add-to-cart button and product added to your cart. this is the main task of server-side languages. If you know front-end technologies then it is very easy for you to pick the nodejs (it is js run time).

Another term you heard regularly Full Stack Developer

A full-stack developer is a guy who is self-dependent (AATMNIRBHAR), he will understand the connections between the front and back-ends of a website, allowing you do build efficient and effective programs for all parts of the website and also deployment into the servers.

Let's talk about opportunity or Job market

You can earn a decent amount of money by just doing freelancing
It is in the top 10 jobs in the IT field and the Average Web Developer Salary in India is ₹387,076.

