Why do I love js ?

Md Nawazish
3 min readJun 3, 2020


I started learning C and C++ as the most beginners do, but after learning that it doesn't make me excited to learn more, as we haven’t built any practical projects with that also.

Then I get into the field of web development thereafter learned HTML, CSS, and JS and then the journey begins as syntax is also very simple to compare to C and C++ so I started feeling comfortable with that and then I built some application like calculator, small game, carousel, music player. These things fascinate me and give me a reason to learn and understand more JS.

Then after doing this All I need to learn backend then I picked Nodejs as it provides js run time and we could write server-side code also and there I learned crud, then made a small blog and some more nodejs projects and then I started felling in love with JS.

Then I moved to the framework part of JS to become the full stack web developer, there I learned Reactjs, Vuejs also and both are almost the same and I can say that Vuejs is much easier than other. Using these frameworks I can able to make the full MERN and MEVN application

When JS was built in 1995 only as a scripting language for frontend interactivity only but it evolves a lot and now it can do lots of things. let me list the things which one can do with JS.

First — Using JS one can make the front end of Web Application which is very fast and very efficient also.using some of the famous libraries such as Reactjs, Vuejs, and Angular one can make an extremely large and efficient application. Examples of companies using these technologies — Airbnb, Uber, Facebook, Netflix, Udemy, Slack, Pinterest, Instagram.

Second — Using JS one can write server-side code also with the nodejs. It is extremely fast and efficient because it runs on a single thread and it is asynchronous also . Examples of companies using these technology — Netflix, Linkedin, Trello, Uber, Paypal, Medium, eBay

Third — let's talk about Mobile App, yes using JS one can make the mobile Application also which we call hybrid application now startup and some companies are moving to hybrid as it has single code base so easy to maintain and cheaper comparatively to Native ApplicationExample of companies using these technologies — AirBnB, Gyroscope, Myntra, UberEats, Discord, Instagram

Fourth — Desktop Application also we could make using electron JS which is built on top of JS. It is also very easy to develop so it is also gaining popularity these days. Example of companies using these technologies — WhatsApp Desktop, WebTorrent Desktop, WordPress Desktop, Pexels Desktop app, Slack Desktop.

And At last, I want to just conclude that as there are a large number of uses of JS so lots of Job Opportunities are also there and JS is also making a position in the top 3 languages from the past few years.

