: Manipulation Tactics in Anime Characters: A Comparative Analysis Inspired by Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power” and Human Nature

5 min readJun 29, 2023


Anime has provided us with captivating characters who employ various manipulation tactics to achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore the manipulation strategies utilized by three iconic anime characters: Johan Liebert from “Monster,” Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from “Classroom of the Elite,” and Light Yagami from “Death Note.” Drawing inspiration from Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power” and an understanding of human nature, we will analyze their approaches and shed light on their manipulation prowess.

  1. Johan Liebert: The Master Manipulator Johan Liebert is a chilling character known for his manipulation skills in “Monster.” He embodies many manipulation tactics, including:

a. Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally: Johan excels at destroying his opponents psychologically and emotionally, leaving them powerless against his manipulations. His ability to identify and exploit vulnerabilities allows him to control people’s actions without their knowledge.

b. Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew: Johan possesses an uncanny understanding of human nature. He identifies individuals’ weaknesses and fears, using them as leverage to bend others to his will. His mastery of psychological manipulation enables him to orchestrate intricate plots.

  1. Kiyotaka Ayanokoji: The Calculating Puppeteer Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from “Classroom of the Elite” showcases a more subtle approach to manipulation. He relies on strategic planning and exploiting human weaknesses to manipulate others. Some tactics he employs include:

a. Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions: Ayanokoji conceals his true abilities and intentions, making it difficult for others to predict his moves. By maintaining a mysterious aura, he gains an advantage over his peers, allowing him to manipulate situations to his advantage.

b. Law 38: Think as You Like, But Behave like Others: Ayanokoji blends into his environment, disguising his true motives. He adapts his behavior to conform to societal norms, making it easier for him to control and manipulate those around him without raising suspicion.

  1. Light Yagami: The Manipulative Mastermind Light Yagami from “Death Note” is a brilliant strategist who employs deception and manipulation to achieve his goals. His tactics include:

a. Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You: Light masterfully manipulates others to become pawns in his grand plan of creating a new world. By utilizing the Death Note and its power over life and death, he effectively controls people’s actions, bending them to his will.

b. Law 12: Use Selective Honesty and Generosity: Light strategically reveals information to gain the trust and loyalty of others, only to exploit them later. His charisma and ability to manipulate emotions make it easier for him to bend people to his desires.

  1. Johan Liebert: The Master Manipulator Johan Liebert from the anime series “Monster” is a truly enigmatic character with an unparalleled mastery of manipulation. He embodies several manipulation tactics described in Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power” and deeply understands human nature. Some of the strategies he employs include:

a. Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally: Johan possesses an uncanny ability to utterly destroy his adversaries. He carefully orchestrates a web of psychological manipulation, gradually dismantling his opponents’ confidence and mental stability. By exploiting their deepest fears and insecurities, Johan ensures they become powerless, mere pawns in his grand scheme.

b. Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew: Johan possesses an acute awareness of the human psyche. He delves into people’s innermost desires, secrets, and vulnerabilities, using them as powerful weapons. By understanding what makes individuals tick, he exerts control over them, bending them to his will effortlessly.

Johan’s manipulation tactics are deeply rooted in his understanding of human psychology. He perceives the intricate web of desires and fears that shape human behavior, allowing him to manipulate individuals with surgical precision. His ability to sway even the most resolute minds is a testament to his masterful manipulation skills.

  1. Kiyotaka Ayanokoji: The Calculating Puppeteer Kiyotaka Ayanokoji from “Classroom of the Elite” employs a more calculated and strategic approach to manipulation. While his tactics may not be as overt as Johan’s, they are no less effective. Ayanokoji’s manipulation strategies include:

a. Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions: Ayanokoji is a master of deception, skillfully concealing his true abilities and intentions. By presenting himself as an unassuming and ordinary student, he becomes an enigma to those around him. This allows him to maneuver through complex social dynamics without arousing suspicion, giving him an advantage in manipulating situations to his benefit.

b. Law 38: Think as You Like, But Behave like Others: Ayanokoji understands the power of conformity. He seamlessly adapts his behavior to fit societal expectations, making it easier for him to navigate social hierarchies and manipulate others. By blending in and adhering to established norms, he gains the trust and cooperation of his peers while subtly influencing their actions to serve his own interests.

Ayanokoji’s manipulation style is characterized by meticulous planning, careful observation, and exploiting the vulnerabilities of those around him. His ability to operate behind the scenes, pulling the strings from the shadows, demonstrates his exceptional control over human interactions.

  1. Light Yagami: The Manipulative Mastermind In the anime series “Death Note,” Light Yagami showcases an exceptional aptitude for manipulation, making him one of the most iconic characters in the genre. His manipulation tactics include:

a. Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You: Light utilizes the powerful Death Note to manipulate others, effectively making them instruments in his grand plan to reshape the world. By exerting control over life and death, he bends people’s actions to his will, using them as pawns to achieve his vision of a utopian society.

b. Law 12: Use Selective Honesty and Generosity: Light is a master of deception, skillfully revealing information to gain the trust and loyalty of those around him. He strategically employs acts of generosity and displays honesty when it serves his purpose, building alliances and manipulating emotions to solidify his influence over others.

Light’s manipulation tactics are characterized by his extraordinary charisma, intellect, and unwavering determination. His ability to exert control over others’ actions and beliefs through calculated manipulation places

The anime characters Johan Liebert, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, and Light Yagami showcase diverse manipulation tactics, each leveraging human nature and drawing inspiration from Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power.” Their ability to exploit vulnerabilities, conceal intentions, and strategically manipulate others sets them apart as master manipulators. While their actions serve as cautionary tales, exploring their methods can provide valuable insights into the complex nature of manipulation and the human psyche.

