Lessons from a Laid off web developer

3 min readJun 24, 2023

About two years ago, I embarked on a journey into the world of coding with the goal of becoming a web developer. I started teaching myself how to code. After about a year of learning, I finally acquired enough skills to create a portfolio and apply for jobs. After six months of applying, I landed my first job as a junior web developer. It was a monumental achievement for me after months of constant coding and job applications. With this new job, I was able to grow my skills in a professional environment rather than relying solely on small side projects. It was an amazing experience. However, despite these accomplishments, I recently faced the unfortunate experience of being laid off.

To be honest, the layoff didn’t come as a shock. Over the past few weeks, I noticed that my workload was gradually decreasing. I went from worrying about meeting deadlines to spending hours documenting my work. Nonetheless, when the layoff news finally arrived, it brought along a heavy sense of sadness, disappointment, and shame.

Experiencing a layoff can be a challenging and disheartening ordeal. However, amidst the uncertainty and setbacks, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Today, I wanted to with you guys some key takeaways from this experience:

1. Embrace Your Best Efforts:

One of the most important lessons I learned from being laid off is that you can only do your best, and nothing more. In a competitive industry like software development, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by high expectations and constant comparisons with other developers. Learning to be content with your best effort enables you to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid constant stress and burnout.

2. The Reality of Smaller Software Companies:

Working for smaller software companies can offer unique opportunities and challenges. These companies often operate in a constant grind and hustle, making them more susceptible to market forces. It’s important to be aware of this possibility if you ever find yourself working for one. Understanding this dynamic can help you better adapt to the ever-changing landscape, anticipate challenges, and explore new opportunities for growth. With that being said, it’s not for everyone.

3. Managing Burnout:

Burnout is an unfortunate reality in many industries, including tech. While it’s important to acknowledge its existence, it’s equally crucial to develop coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with it. Recognize that burnout is a part of the grind. However, it becomes a problem if it is constant. Prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and seek support from colleagues and mentors to mitigate the effects of burnout.

4. Versatility and Specialization:

The tech industry is known for its rapid evolution, requiring professionals to constantly shift between different technologies and frameworks. While versatility is important, it’s equally crucial to specialize in one skill area. By honing your expertise in a specific area, you can set yourself apart from the competition. Develop a mindset of continuous learning, adaptability, and the ability to quickly grasp new concepts and technologies.

5. The Power of Soft Skills:

This is an area that cannot be understated in terms of its importance. In a field dominated by technical expertise, soft skills and effective communication can sometimes be overlooked. However, they play a significant role in your professional success. As you navigate the industry, dedicate time to improving your soft skills, especially effective communication. The ability to convey complex technical details to individuals with varying levels of knowledge is crucial.

Ultimately getting laid off is an unpleasant experience regardless of how many lessons you learn from it. Hopefully, these points help you deal with or avoid the same situation.

