ONE Silver Bullet

ONE means of communication is not enough

It’s Brand & Social
2 min readMay 13, 2014

ONE Silver Bullet

Growing up, the term “silver bullet” made me think of werewolves and the Lone Ranger. As a young boy, the silver bullet concept fascinated me. It was the ONE thing you could count on to solve your biggest problem.

Some companies still ask me to create their silver bullet. They request a website or print ad to promote their products or services with the expectation of increased revenue.

The old school method of finding your audience and putting your logo in front of them simply doesn’t work anymore. There are now more options for getting your message out compared to even five years ago. It takes deeper thinking and planning to reach today’s audiences who are constantly bombarded by messages.

The influx of on-demand, interactive and social media makes communicating to your audience different. Using any of these tactics incorrectly can result in a cluttered message or missed opportunity.

Is it possible the Silver Bullet idea is dead?

Successful companies now realize that ONE means of communication is not enough. It’s more about frequency, reach and creating a conversation. It’s about how often your message gets in front of the right people at the right time, in the right way. It’s talking with your audience and creating meaningful dialogue that compels them to take a specific action.

It takes a carefully choreographed process to create awareness for your brand, generate interest in your products or services, and motivate your audience to take the right action. A single website or trade magazine advertisement cannot carry the weight of the entire process.

The days of single media tactics doing all of the work are gone. Today’s consumers need to be engaged multiple times from multiple angles to have your message resonate and break through a cluttered environment.

So how do you break through? It takes a strategically integrated program that’s timed appropriately for each stage of the purchasing process. To stand out from the crowd, you need a program that can create awareness, generate interest and produce the right action.

Maybe the carefully choreographed strategy is the new Silver Bullet?

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It’s Brand & Social

The intersection of brand loyalty & social communications — By Michael Deiner, Twitter: @mdeiner