Blog 5: Literature Response to “In the Desert”

Mason Derwitsch
1 min readSep 19, 2021


Like I referenced in my Teams’ message at Wednesday’s class, I feel like the qualities of the creature are just like those of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. The poem “In the Desert” describes the creature as “naked, bestial.” From the book, The Twin Towers, “Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature.” Both creatures in these different forms of literature are cannibals and will eat any form of meat. Gollum talks about how if Bilbo loses, “then we eats it! If Baggins loses we eats it whole!” The unnamed creature has it’s own strange source of food, he “held his heart in his hands, and ate of it.” In my own opinion, I think Gollum was meant to be a contrasting character to Bilbo and Frodo in both of their respective series. The Hobbit is my favorite movie series of all time, thanks to the character development, amazing music/soundtracks, and intriguing storyline.


