Raising Your Love Consciousness

Md Kabir
3 min readNov 12, 2022


I was inspired to write this tele-seminar after examining my own experiences with love. Love is the key winning element that will help us to successfully transition from a life of want and scarcity to a life of abundance and well-being. Some of the “love” experiences I am mentally and spiritually referencing have been elevating and others have been very painful and some have been painfully elevating. But as my understanding of the true power of love continues to evolve then the benefits I receive become more rich and abundant. As a Business Professional, I realize that love produces wisdom, respect and promotion. As a woman, I realize that love is liberating and empowering. As a daughter, I understand that love is discerning and tough. As a lover, I offer love as motivation, protection, consolation and support to my man. And as an entrepreneur, I know that love is powerful, insightful and incredibly attractive. And as a creative being I experience love as mercy, authenticity and infinite potential. Love is what builds empires and creates giants. But what I know most of all is that without love, none of us would exist.

The Mastery of Love GEt this book >>>

I’m not here tonight to motivate you, give you a to-do list or to help you with your New Year’s resolutions. My goal is that your connection to me tonight will allow you to experience an energy that will help to spark thought, emotions and actions. Thought, emotions and actions that will unite you with the mighty power of love. Thought, emotions and actions that will encourage you to love someone else. Thought, emotions and actions that will give you courage and help you to discover your authenticity. Thought emotions and actions that will liberate you and attract love, success and abundance into your life. That is my goal this evening.

What is Love

Love is what will make a mother lift a 2,000 pound car off of a baby who has fallen underneath it. Love is what will make a father fight to defend the honor of his family. Love is what fueled Harriet Tubman the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. She forced slaves into freedom, often times against their will, at gunpoint and navigated dangerous trails some 19 times. Love is why Martin Luther King, Jr. marched on Washington and why he endured jail, hate and the disruption of his family and sacrificed his own young, precious, promising life. Love is why countless fathers around the world work demeaning jobs and sacrifice their manhood in order to feed their families. Love is sometimes why people make mistakes. It is also why people defy odds. Love is what soldiers are made of.

The Mastery of Love GEt this book >>>

After much thought I realized that many of us are struggling and scratching through life because we are confused about love. And we are failing to access the power of love because we don’t fully understand love. We only understand love to the extent that it is expressed in a pop song or in a tabloid. We mistake love for control and lust. We are stuck trying to fit this revolutionary concept into a narrow ego based definition bound by expectations that have nothing to do with true love. Once we understand the infinite nature of love we will understand that love is the root of our success. Love has no bounds. It cannot be measured by space and time. It sparks revolutions and ends wars. Love will help us to transform the energy of things like money, opportunity and relationships. Love can renew our mind, body and souls. Love will help us to be a conduit for wealth, abundance and well being. It transforms victims into victorious individuals who rise above emotions and mirror the thinking of the Creator. Love is our connection to The Universal Mind.

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