How to change permalinks in WordPress without breaking links.

Md Kamran Hossain
2 min readMay 22, 2024


How to change permalinks in WordPress without breaking links.

Permalinks, those web addresses you see in your browser bar, are crucial for your WordPress website. They not only help users find your content easily but also play a role in search engine optimization (SEO). However, changing your permalink structure after publishing content can lead to broken links, confusing users and impacting your website’s performance.

This guide will walk you through changing your permalinks in WordPress without breaking any existing links.

Before you begin, it’s highly recommended to back up your website. This ensures you can revert to the previous state if anything goes wrong.

Step 1: Decide on your new permalink structure

WordPress offers several pre-defined permalink structures, including:

Default: This uses the date and post name (e.g.,

Post name: This uses only the post name (e.g., This is considered the most SEO-friendly option.

Custom: This allows you to define your own structure using tags like %postname%, %category%, etc. (e.g.,

Step 2: Update your permalink structure in WordPress

Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Settings > Permalinks.

Choose your desired permalink structure from the available options.

Important: If you’re switching to a completely different structure (e.g., from default to post name), check the box for “Optional: Redirect old URLs to the new structure”. This is crucial to avoid broken links.

Click Save Changes.

Step 3: Monitor and fix any broken links (optional)

While the redirect option helps, it’s still a good idea to check for and fix any broken links manually. You can use a plugin like “Redirection” or Broken Link Checker to identify and fix these issues.

Additional tips:

Inform your audience: If your website has established traffic, consider informing them about the permalink change through a blog post or announcement.

Update your internal links: If you have linked to other posts or pages within your website using their old permalinks, update them to reflect the new structure.

Monitor your website traffic: Keep an eye on your website traffic after making the change. If you notice a significant drop, it might indicate broken links impacting your SEO.

By following these steps, you can effectively change your permalinks in WordPress without compromising the user experience or your website’s ranking. Remember, taking precautions and being mindful of the process will ensure a smooth transition for both your visitors and search engines.



Md Kamran Hossain

🚀 Passionate web developer | WordPress expert | Helping businesses succeed online | Let's turn your ideas into stunning reality!