MDL Talent Hub Vanguards Advanced Approaches of Doing Online Business

MDL Talent Hub
3 min readAug 4, 2018


MDL Talent Hub is pioneering a conceptually new way of constructing a self-sustainable online ecosystem that adds value to users, investors, and developers in a fair manner. To understand the idea completely let’s start from the basics.

You’re talking about blockchain, right?

We have seen a lot of hype around this word for the last couple of years. Let’s try to figure out where it is coming from. In simple terms, blockchain is a decentralized database where any change of the information stored in it requires the consensus of the whole network.

One of the most popular implementations of the technology is cryptocurrencies. Decentralized consensus protocols allow transparent and safe value transfer — that is the revolutionary phenomenon when information cannot be replicated. Once information is transferred from A to B, it is not at A anymore, but only and only at B.

This technology advancement has fueled thousands of undertakings to reshape the existing socio-economic system — nearly all industries are getting rid of intermediaries and centralized ownership allowing more fair value distribution and no-handshake trust for cooperation in our globalizing online world.

In spite of the fact that blockchain is commonly perceived as the inherent component of our digital future and millions of enthusiasts, including governments, IT giants, and financial think-tanks looking forward to its wider implementation, the exact way the technology is going to be utilized is still blurry causing inadequate monetary speculations around it — mainly due to the immaturity of its development stage.

One of the promising attempts at solving the issue of cryptocurrency-based online ecosystem sustainability is the phenomenon of coinhours developed by Skycoin. The idea is simple — holding one Skycoin for one hour gives you one coinhour, holding 10 Skycoins, gives you 10 coinhours. Initially, the purpose of coinhours was to protect Skycoin mainnet from micro transactions flood (as GAS at NEO), but then the technique found other implementations. More info can be found here and here.

So how is MDL Talent Hub going to implement the technology and bring new understating of online business formation? Users of MDL Talent Hub will be able to purchase temporary promotions, upgrades, customizations, and other “VIP” features for token hours. Since MDL token hours are not tradable and get burned when spent there is no way they can become a speculation instrument, and thus the ecosystem can enjoy relative stability. In addition, users will want to hold MDL tokens to get enough token hours for the enriched experience of the platform, meaning the total supply will be decreased consequently rising MDL token price.

Let’s do some simple calculations.

If we are successful enough on bringing 5 million users onboard, and 20% of them constantly hold 2000 MDL tokens (100 USD by the ITO price) to get enough token hours to renew the platform features, then the total demand will be 2 billion MDL tokens, which is two times more than the total supply! That’s where the inherited MDL token growth comes from and brings value to our early investors and supporters.

On the MDL platform MDL token hours are used only for user-to-platform relations since they are not transferring value, for user-to-user business relations MDL token is used. More info about MDL Talent Hub ecosystem can be found here.

To better understand the idea and all the benefits of it to final users, imagine a gym membership card that you can sell back on the last day before the expiration for the same price as you bought it!

Of course, if there is still the same amount of people who want to use the gym. We are experimenting and building the concept from scratch since there is nowhere to copy it from. We are happy to be the innovators and welcome you to Join The Movement!

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MDL Talent Hub

MDL Talent Hub is an application ecosystem that connects talents to gigs and brands to their audiences.