My 3-Day Workout Routine Has Kept Me at 12% Body Fat for Over a Year, but I See Very Few People Doing It. Steal this simple strategy for yourself.

Md masum rana
2 min readDec 23, 2023



found a workout formula that helped me become brutally intimidation factor

That mind-numbing wage slave wasteland was where any hope of getting healthy went to die.

Every day was the same.

Treats in the break room consisted of doughnuts, chocolates and cakes. All because it was Friday, or in aid of someone’s leaving celebration or a birthday — Ffs.

Temptation was my worst enemy. No

I knew deep down tucking into a Krispy Kreme would lead to talking myself out of the gym later that night.

Somewhere between leaving the office, getting in my car, and being stuck in traffic, I’d say, “Not tonight — I’ll go tomorrow”.

What made bailing out easy was that I never had a plan, so there were never any strings attached.

When I set up my routine, I felt like swinging between extremes — I ended up with a rigid, tone-deaf gym plan like a boulder in the sea — Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Legs on Wednesday, and Cardio on Thursday.

It was amateurish.

When I inevitably missed a day, it always felt like I was behind. I’d then beat myself up like one of Mike Tyson’s sparring partners.

And worse, I would wipe the slate clear in my mind and tell myself to start afresh with a new week.

I repeated this cycle for five years, and it was like being stuck on an out-of-control Ferris wheel with an intoxicated operator. Image created by Author using OpenAI’s DALL-E.

My one moment of serendipity was when a famous businessperson explained how he hacked his fitness.

Gary said he found a fitness pro who devised a plan for him, and all he had to do was…

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