Angela Briles
6 min readOct 2, 2021

Deep Thoughts by Angela Briles šŸ¤“

Love, Rules and Social Mannerisms









This is love, herself, speaking.

LOVE SPEAKS through sensations in your body.

Have you ever had that feeling of wanting to grab your partner by his shirt collar and lay one on him?

I have.

I regretted every time I thought ABOUT it and hesitated so I learned to stop thinking and follow my impulses and thankfully my feelings were never wrong because my impulses were always welcomed.

Gosh, I canā€™t even believe I am talking about this, I thought I hated men (forgive me) forever, after that last one, I thought I was done forever and the thing is, I might STILL be finished with men FOREVER,


He comes round to his authentic sensesā€¦

The thing is, I realize, I donā€™t hate men at all!

I HATE what Patriarchy has DONE to men, in fact, I HATE what RULES and social etiquette and mannerisms have Done to HUMANITY!

Yes. HATE.

I LOVE that I hate the rules.

I Hate with a ferocious PASSION how the INNOCENCE has been TAKEN from YOU!

I HATE how Society made you THINK ABOUT wrong and right when all you EVER had to do was FEEL! YOU were BORN knowing what is rightā€¦ itā€™s INNATEā€¦

Your feelings became your enemy. You feared your own body, so you learned to escape your body with your addiction of choice.

We learned we STAY SAFE when we THINK. Think about all the learned behavior, what is right, what is wrong and the PUNISHMENTS and consequences we WILL SUFFER if we make the wrong choice!

CONSTANTLY having to make decisions.

This or that CHOICE


How can you possibly know which choice is right when your body is telling you one thing and your mind telling you another?

So we LEARNā€¦

We learn that in ORDER to make a decision, we must turn off our thinking OR our feelings.

We cannot have Both! We are not allowed to have both, we have to make a SPLIT decision and split decisions keep us divided unto ourselves.

Our thinking has been TRAINED by society and our feelings are going the opposite direction and we live our lives in constant confusion.

We learn to drown out our feelings and escape our bodies so we can just focus on our THOUGHTS, our thinking, our learned behavior. so we can ā€œfit inā€ and be accepted by society.

We have learned to neglect our feelings and THINK about the appropriate SCRIPT,






Life becomes a TEST! A test that you had better not FAIL!ā€¦ because if you ā€œfailā€ you lose. You lose everythingā€¦

Welcome to the game of lifeā€¦ yesā€¦ it has been DELIBERATELY designed FOR YOU.

Where is the JoY in that?

Itā€™s a sad sad worldā€¦

I tell youā€¦

Back then, whatever boy I was into at the time, I just wanted him to FEEL and STOP thinking so much because I KNEW he liked me too, but society taught him not to like a girl like me because I could NOT be controlled, at least, my thoughts could not be controlled because I lived by energy.

. [Warning:

Beware of the black magic man (or woman).

That last one, oooof.

Yeah, be careful of these ones because if you live by feeling, if you are wild and untamed, these soul suckers can drain you to your death.

They can, and WILL intentionally control your energy and it will NOT be to your benefit.]

{Side Note}

Hmmmmā€¦ perhaps, šŸ‘†THIS is why society TRAINS humanity to be stuck in the head!

Because if you actually tuned into your feelings! You would KNOW how you were being manipulated, drained and controlled.

Are you exhausted by life yet? Are you curious as to why?

Your body holds the answers. Look and listen there.}

I just wanted a man with a pulse.

I managed to bring it out of him every now and then but he would always get scared and run away, A coward to his own feelingsā€¦




To your self.

Give up!

Give yourself up to LIFE!

Like a flower opens itself to the elements without a fight

ā€œThe bees come uninvitedā€,

the sun,

the rain

The flower receives life

Then it diesā€¦

Dare I say, Let life destroy you.

Death by Life, now thatā€™s how I want to goā€¦

You will have to give yourself over to life, Turn yourself INā€¦ this is the only way to create a True and authentic world.

I was never any good at rules and mannerisms.

That was WAY too much for me to remember because See,

Rules and mannerisms are LEARNED.

It is not Natural to us.

Rules are given to us by a country, a state, a school, our parentsā€¦

We have to memorize them and if we FORGET a rule, we get punished.

Itā€™s never really a consequence of breaking a rule, itā€™s really a consequence of FORGETTING a rule!

There are so MANY effing rules and social mannerisms, I could NEVER keep up with it all!

I was ALWAYS in trouble! So I gave up on it!

I quit!

Cold turkey. Just like that.

Just decided it was EASIER to simply be myself, however I am in a moment and often that meant EXPRESSING ANGER




And well, since anger was sooooo taboo, letā€™s just say, I lost many ā€œfriendsā€ā€¦ I burned MANY bridgesā€¦ but itā€™s OKAY because I tell you,

I was FED UP

Fed up with being a human being that WASNā€™T ALLOWED to feel my feelings in a world made of RULES and Silly Mannerisms!

Manners šŸ™„

Walk this way, talk this way, wear these clothes, sit like this, eat like this, be this way around that group of people and that way around this group of people, and donā€™t you DARE ever be vulnerable, never tell the truth!

Keep your true self hidden.

Whaaaaaat? What kind of crazy backwards world have I landed in?

I could never get it right.

I was always telling on myself or somebody else. I was always slipping up about something someone had said to me, I didnā€™t know it was something that couldnā€™t be spoken about!

I mean lies are seriously acceptable social behavior! Hiding ourselves, Teaching people to never be truthful about who they really are or how they really feel or what they really think?!!!


Instead, be polite šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøoy

No no no, see,

This is where KIDS get it RIGHT!

I never lost this kid-like wayā€¦

I could NOT do it. I was not designed that way. I simply did not have the capacity to THINK about which mannerism was appropriate before I acted. I could only feel and act from a moment.

I was IMPULSIVE. Yeah, I said it.


and what does Society TEACH you about being IMPULSIVE?

They say, donā€™t be.

and if you ARE, then




Pills! To control that pesky pulse of yours

ā€œImpulsive behaviorā€!

Impulsive means you HAVE a PULSE!

You are alive!

Society does not want you alive.

It wants you COMPLIANT and Obedient.

Heaven forbidā€¦

Got a pulseā€¦

I canā€™t stop it

What am I going to do?

Our feelings have been so suppressed that if we Act on our feelings now, especially men, so much Damage can come from it.

Itā€™s Damaging because we have literally been trained to Hold back our ENERGY.

Our energy is powerful and after centuries of being held down, the world has been unleashed into explosion mode!

Yep, thatā€™s by design too.

Energy is POWER.

So what do we do now?

We have to channel our energy.

Now we have to Learn to DIRECT our energy.

Channel your rage, your grief, your fire, your passion into DESIGNING a world that ALLOWS your moving energy to be FREE.

If we can learn to direct our energy in this way, SOON, the storm will ease and the world will balance out ā™„ļø

Society was intentionally designed by using our energy against us.

Now we have the opportunity to DESIGN the world we want by unleashing our trapped energy and directing it INTENTIONALLY into a NEW Creation made with LOVE.

LOVE encompasses Allā€¦ALL INCLUSIVE.

LOVE includes hate. Itā€™s NOT the OPPOSITE of!

There is NO OPPOSITION to natural FEELINGS.

Love has no opposite.

There is no thinking about doing or choosing between this or thatā€¦

Simply Bloom.

Watch the world Flourishā€¦

Angela Briles

Writer on Radical social reform, Regenerative relationships, partnership societies, circular systems, torus economies, and village planning.