California Real Estate Market: Trends, Forecast, Price index

6 min readSep 20, 2024


The California real estate market is among the most dynamic and closely watched in the United States. With skyrocketing median home prices, fluctuating housing inventory, and an intricate mix of state policies like Proposition 13, the market presents both opportunities and challenges for buyers, sellers, and investors. This article answers the most pressing questions about the California real estate market go to , covering everything from average home prices to future market forecasts.

What is the current average home price in California?

The average home price in California as of 2024 is approximately $800,000, which is significantly higher than the national average. According to Redfin, this figure fluctuates by region, with major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles seeing prices above $1 million, while more affordable areas, such as Fresno, report lower averages around $400,000. Factors like housing affordability and supply and demand directly impact these price points.

How do average home prices vary by region?

Average home prices vary significantly within California. The California Association of Realtors reports the following breakdown by region.

  • San Francisco Bay Area. $1.3 million
  • Los Angeles Metro. $900,000
  • Central Valley. $400,000
  • San Diego. $900,000

These regional disparities are influenced by factors such as local economic conditions, proximity to job centers, and zoning laws that limit housing supply.

What factors drive California’s high home prices?

The primary factors driving California’s high home prices include.

  • Limited housing inventory. Demand outstrips supply in many urban areas.
  • Zoning regulations. Restrictive building codes, especially along the coast, limit new construction.
  • High demand in tech hubs. Areas like Silicon Valley attract high-income professionals, driving up prices.

Will home prices in California drop in 2024?

Experts, including Zillow Chief Economist Skylar Olsen, predict a potential moderation in price growth but no significant drop in 2024. While demand has softened due to higher mortgage rates, ongoing constraints in housing inventory are likely to prevent a dramatic price decline. Home prices may plateau, but significant reductions are not expected unless there is an economic downturn or a major change in housing policy.

What economic factors affect California’s housing market?

Several macroeconomic factors affect the market.

  • Mortgage interest rates. Rising rates make homes less affordable, reducing buyer demand.
  • Inflation. Higher inflation impacts construction costs and consumer purchasing power.
  • Employment trends. Job growth in sectors like tech, finance, and healthcare supports demand for high-end housing.

How does housing inventory impact home prices?

Housing inventory directly correlates with price fluctuations. California has faced a housing shortage for years, driven by high construction costs, limited land availability, and environmental regulations. As a result, low inventory levels keep prices high even when demand softens.

How has Proposition 13 influenced California’s real estate market?

Proposition 13, passed in 1978, caps property taxes at 1% of the home’s assessed value and limits annual increases to 2%. This law significantly impacts California’s housing market by discouraging homeowners from selling, as they would face a reassessment at the current market value. According to Stanford economist Mark Duggan, this has reduced housing turnover and contributed to the state’s housing shortage.

How do property taxes differ across California?

While Proposition 13 standardizes property tax increases, variations exist due to local levies and assessments. Counties like Los Angeles and San Francisco apply additional taxes for infrastructure and public services, resulting in effective tax rates that can differ widely from one jurisdiction to another.

What is the forecast for California’s real estate market over the next five years?

According to a report by UCLA Anderson Forecast, California’s real estate market is expected to stabilize over the next five years, with moderate price growth of 3–5% annually. However, the report warns of potential risks, including.

  • Rising interest rates. A continued increase could dampen buyer demand.
  • Regulatory changes. New housing policies aimed at increasing supply could help stabilize prices.
  • Tech sector fluctuations. A downturn in California’s key industries could impact housing demand in major cities.

How do long-term trends compare to the national market?

While California is expected to see moderate growth, its long-term trends remain distinct from the national market. The state’s high demand for housing, coupled with its strict environmental and zoning regulations, positions it as a market with consistently high prices relative to other states.

How does the home price index provide insight into California’s market?

The home price index is a valuable tool for tracking price trends in the California market. According to CoreLogic, California’s home price index has consistently outpaced the national average, with double-digit growth in recent years. The index reflects the historical appreciation of homes, which, in California, is driven by a combination of scarcity and high demand in urban centers.

How does the home price index vary across different cities?

The index shows the following variations.

  • Los Angeles. 10% year-over-year growth
  • San Francisco. 8% year-over-year growth
  • Sacramento. 6% year-over-year growth

These figures demonstrate how regional factors like employment opportunities and housing supply shape local markets.

What are the housing market trends for 2023?

In 2023, California experienced a cooling of its real estate market, with price growth slowing due to higher mortgage rates and reduced demand. However, as noted by Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors, the market remains resilient due to the state’s limited housing supply.

How does 2023 compare to previous years?

Compared to 2021 and 2022, when the market was marked by bidding wars and record-high sales, 2023 has seen a normalization in sales volume and a slight increase in the time homes spend on the market. This shift has offered buyers more negotiating power, though prices remain elevated.

How do mortgage rates impact housing affordability in California?

Mortgage rates play a crucial role in housing affordability. When rates rise, monthly payments increase, reducing the number of buyers who can afford homes at current prices. In California, where home prices are already high, even a small increase in interest rates can significantly impact affordability.

How do adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) compare to fixed-rate mortgages in California?

Given the state’s high prices, many buyers opt for adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), which offer lower initial rates than fixed-rate mortgages. However, the risk of rising payments in the future makes ARMs a less stable choice, especially in a market prone to economic fluctuations.

Will rent prices in California drop in 2024?

Rent prices in California are expected to stabilize in 2024, but not drop significantly, according to a forecast by Apartment List. While the pandemic saw a temporary dip in rental demand, cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have seen rents return to pre-pandemic levels due to a rebound in demand and limited rental supply.

How do rent prices vary across California?

The state’s most expensive rental markets include.

  • San Francisco. $3,500 for a one-bedroom apartment
  • Los Angeles. $2,500 for a one-bedroom apartment
  • Sacramento. $1,800 for a one-bedroom apartment

These figures reflect the ongoing demand for rental housing in urban areas.

How does California’s real estate market compare to the rest of the United States?

California’s real estate market is distinct from the rest of the U.S. in terms of its high median home prices, stringent housing regulations, and the influence of key industries like tech and entertainment. While other states may offer more affordable housing options, California continues to attract buyers and investors due to its economic opportunities and lifestyle appeal.

In summary, the California real estate market is shaped by a combination of high demand, limited supply, and state-specific policies like Proposition 13. Although home prices are expected to stabilize, factors like mortgage rates and regional economic conditions will continue to influence market trends.

Understanding California’s Historical House Price Index (CASTHPI)

The California House Price Index (CASTHPI) provides a comprehensive look at the historical trends in home prices across the state. This index is crucial for understanding the appreciation and depreciation of home values over time, which directly impacts housing affordability, investment opportunities, and market dynamics. By analyzing the CASTHPI, homebuyers, sellers, and investors can better understand the long-term performance of the California real estate market and make informed decisions based on historical trends.

California House Price Index (CASTHPI) Data Table

The data for the House Price Index in California, as tracked by CASTHPI, shows significant fluctuations over the years. The table below highlights the quarterly values of the index over the past few decades, showing both periods of rapid appreciation and market corrections.

The CASTHPI data offers insight into California’s property market performance and reflects how economic conditions, policy changes, and housing demand affect prices.

This table reveals critical moments in California’s housing market, such as the housing bubble of the mid-2000s and the market recovery after the 2008 financial crisis. The rapid appreciation in 2021 and 2022 further illustrates the state’s resilience, despite economic uncertainties.

