Atticus Writing Software Review

Matt Doggett
10 min readNov 9, 2021

The first book I formatted was a nightmare.

I probably uploaded five different versions to Amazon before I stopped finding glaring mistakes.

I used a free, open-source software for this. Calibre.

It was a massive time suck. And this was in 2018.

I’ve since formatted four books, two of which are published. And while the subsequent books were much easier than that first one, none of them are what I would call easy.

Until I used Atticus.

What is Atticus?

If you’re not familiar, Atticus is an all-in-one software brought to us by Dave Chesson of Kindlepreneur. It does more than formatting. Much more.

Atticus Writing Mode

Atticus was just released to the public recently, but I was lucky enough to get early access. I do some ghostwriting for Kindlepreneur, and Dave was nice enough to allow me in for the beta phase.

(In case you’re wondering, I’m not being paid to write this article. There are no affiliate links in this article, and I don’t get any kickbacks for recommending Atticus. I’m simply a fan of the software.)



Matt Doggett

Matt is a freelance writer, author, and full-time reader. He writes horror novels and spooky podcast episodes. Check him out at