Lorri Lewis
2 min readNov 25, 2017


I have been reluctant to use the term “rape culture” because it felt too strong a term for something that is a real problem.

I watched a YouTube video the other day where a female celebrity had her 16-year-old daughter on her show. Her daughter is well-endowed and the comments below the video are enough to make you want to give up on humanity.

There were a few women making comments that the girl should have breast reduction surgery. While that was offensive enough, it paled in comparison to the men’s comments . . . those were the ones that made me want to give up. That they were leering and jeering at a 16-year-old girl’s body online where she could read their comments, with no thought that she is a real person, was beyond sickening.

It’s not that I expect people not to observe physical reality, but some thoughts don’t deserve to be voiced. At only 16, the girl has already been reduced to a walking pair of boobs. Just an object for men to pass judgement on.

So, yeah, men, there is a problem. Maybe you need to talk to each other about it.

A man responded to one of my previous comments when I complained about men’s behavior. He said that women kept ignoring nice guys like himself and choosing guys who behave horribly. I wasn’t able to reply, but I will here.

Sir, what you don’t understand is how such horrible men draw women in. Most women are not looking at prospects and saying, “Wow, what a jerk. I want to go out with him!” No. They find out the guy is a jerk after much time passes. Few jerks show their true colors right off the bat, and once they do, they play mind games to make their victim feel they are the ones in the wrong. Just wanted to set the record straight as to how it works when you are wondering why women don’t pick you and end up with an asshole.

