Md Sarfaraz
3 min readFeb 13, 2021

Can a human walk and run on water ?

If this question is hovering over your mind, then you must have seen something like this either or a lizard or any insect running on water or any action movie which shows someone running on water Or your curious mind might have asked you. But in reality, is it possible for a human to run on water.

lets talk

On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds and lizards, can run on water. For most other species, including humans, this is precluded by body size and proportions, lack of appropriate appendages, and limited muscle power. However, if gravity is reduced to less than Earth’s gravity, running on water should require less muscle power.But we can't do this.

I think, It's possible to walk on water. In your childhood you might have skipped a stone across water (have you? i hope you must had fun with stones and water if not then, you missed one the most enjoyable moment of life). It's just not exactly humanly possible. Water can theoretically support the weight of a human only if they have beyond enormous feet or if they can run stupid fast.

How fast?

Well much faster than the fastest man on Earth. Science Channel says that Usain Bolt's speed tops out at about 10.4 meters per second. To run on water, you'd have to zip three times as fast. So around 30 meters a second.Which is quite impossible for a human.

How do small insects and spiders walk on water?

Among insects and spiders, only those which has too small weight to break Surface tension of water can walk on it. Surface tension of water differs with its temperature. We all know that with fall in temperature its surface tension increases and it fall raise in temperature. With this concept, you can satisfy yourself by walking on ice(as it is also water just its form is changed 😼) for a moment As so far there is no other way.

On Earth The Basilisk lizard or the Jesus Christ lizard is one of the only animals on Earth that run on water. These lizards slap their feet against the water hard enough to create a small air pocket that can keep them afloat for distance of about 15 feet. The Italian researchers figured out how a 5-foot-7, 65 kg human could run on water just like that lizard.

To run on water ,the human's legs would have to press down against the water at more than 108 km/h or 67 miles per hour which, the researchers explain, is 15 times the force our legs are capable of producing. But if gravity were reduced, and we had bigger feet, we could pull off the Jesus lizard run for seven to eight seconds.

How do ninjas run on water !

Ninjas wear a wooden disk in their soles called 'Mizu gumo' that help them to run on water by trapping air in it.

Conclusion :

Can human walk and run on water ?
>> No, we can't. To run on water we human need to speed up to 30m/s or 108km/hr that our body can't do.(by the way flash can do it, remember that boy ?)

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Md Sarfaraz

A learner helping other learners. Bsc.physics