Words, Symbols, and Rituals that Express the American Creed

Meguine Duvert
5 min readApr 5, 2020



What comes to mind when you think about American? Do you think about what unites the nation or what divides it? There are many words, symbols, and rituals that help to define our country along with those that create tension and separation. Words such as education and freedom, symbols such as the national flag, and rituals such as national holidays have helped to define American for many years.


Education is valued in America because it creates opportunities that can help the country grow as a whole. Education provides structure in society, allows for people to find who they are and what they want to become, and can help to remove the burden of working just to survive. People are highly encouraged to attend college to earn a degree because it increases the chances of receiving a better job with greater pay. People in America are fortunate to have a free primary education as compared to people in other countries who are not given that chance. The controversy is the fact that education is no longer free after receiving a high school diploma. This can create limitations for people who can not afford the expenses of college. However, another word that helps to define America is equality. Since the birth of America, people have always strived to receive equal rights. Luckily there are programs, scholarships, grants, etc that can help equal out the chances of receiving a college education for those who can not afford it.

Education is one reason why many people travel to America. Immigration is another word that helps to define American. Immigration allows for diversity and culture but also sparks controversy because of issues regarding the legality of immigrants, jobs being taken, crimes, etc. Freedom, yet another word that adds to the country’s definition, is what draws immigrants to America. In a sense, everyone in America has a free will given to them by the constitution, with the exception of having to follow the law. Freedom is what allows, for example, the choice of continuing one’s education, affiliating with a certain religion and the ability to share one’s thoughts. Although America is based on freedom, there are people in America who do not believe that everyone deserves these rights. People are free to have their own beliefs and with that comes racism, discrimination, stereotypes, etc. Freedom is not meant to divide the country; people need to respect the beliefs of others and allow everyone to be free and have equal opportunities to succeed in a life they choose to live.


Flags are major symbols that express the American Creed, with the power to unite or divide the country. When you look at the national flag, you may think of patriotism, union, and freedom. It is a reminder of the wars fought that gave America the victory of being its own independent country. It reminds people of the current wars being fought and the respect given to the veterans who risk their lives for freedom in America. Some can picture the confederate flag as a symbol of America, or what America once was. Regardless, the confederate flag continues to stir tension in America because of the agony that it inflicted. It has previously divided the country and can arguably have the potential to continue to create damage if people allow. These flags represent America’s history which is important to look back on. It is crucial to remember how the country started and how it has grown into the union it is today. America’s flags are consistent reminders of the tribulations people have faced to ensure freedom and equality for themselves as well as for future generations.


Rituals such as national holidays aid in defining America by bringing people together to celebrate independence, family, and gratitude. For example, the Fourth of July celebrates independence, freedom, and union. Firework shows, cookouts, and parades help to bring families together to celebrate the holiday. Although the Fourth of July celebrates the independence of the country, it does not necessarily mark the time where all people could celebrate their freedom. Fortunately, there are other national holidays that were established later in America’s history that allow for people to celebrate each other, their different communities, races, and genders. Thanksgiving is another illustration of how national holidays promote the importance of bonds between family and friends. Some argue that the true history behind Thanksgiving can create tension with Native Americans, nevertheless, Thanksgiving has evolved into a holiday that encourages people to spend quality time with family and friends in addition to acknowledging their fortunes. Sports are not necessarily rituals but also play a role in bringing America together, especially those that are unique to the nation. For example, American football is a sport unique to America that many tune in to watch every year, creating events such as super bowl parties to support teams. There may be minor feuds between people who support opposing teams, but it is a great way to enjoy a shared tradition with others.

Some of these components may spark controversy but it is still what defines American. America is a country of diversity and will continue to have controversy if people do not respect each other’s differences. American is a country of growth and continues to take steps forward into a unionized future that includes equal opportunities for all.

