How To Keep My Dog Out Of The Litter Box?

3 min readJun 27, 2024


As a dog owner, I’ve faced the challenge of keeping my curious canine out of the litter box. It’s a common problem, and finding a solution can be tricky. Over the years, I’ve tried several methods, and I’m excited to share what has worked best for me.

How To Keep My Dog Out Of The Litter Box
Image by Canva Pro

Understanding the Attraction

First, let’s talk about why dogs are drawn to litter boxes in the first place. Dogs are naturally curious and often explore with their noses. The litter box can be particularly tempting because it contains the scent of cat food, which can be enticing to dogs. Understanding this can help us find effective ways to keep them away.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box

One of the most effective solutions I’ve found is to use a self-cleaning litter box. The PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Litter Box has been a game-changer in my home. This litter box automatically rakes waste into a covered compartment, reducing the smell and making it less appealing for my dog. Plus, it’s incredibly convenient and keeps the area clean with minimal effort on my part.

Changing the Location

Another practical approach is to change the location of the litter box. Placing it in a spot that’s hard for my dog to reach has made a big difference. For example, I moved our litter box to a room with a baby gate. This way, my cat can easily jump over the gate to access the box, but my dog cannot get through. It’s a simple yet effective solution that keeps everyone happy.

Top-Entry Litter Box

If moving the litter box isn’t an option, consider using a top-entry litter box like the IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box. This design naturally discourages dogs from getting inside because they can’t easily access the top. It also helps to contain litter, keeping the area tidier.

Training Your Dog

Additionally, training plays a crucial role. Teaching my dog the “leave it” command has been incredibly useful. I started by practicing with toys and treats, gradually moving to the litter box area. Consistency is key, and with time, my dog learned to avoid the litter box on command. Positive reinforcement, like treats and praise, helps reinforce this behavior.

Electronic Pet Barriers

For those times when training isn’t enough, I’ve found electronic pet barriers to be very effective. The PetSafe Pawz Away Pet Barrier creates an invisible barrier around the litter box area. It works by emitting a harmless static correction when my dog gets too close, teaching him to stay away without causing any harm. This tool has provided peace of mind, knowing that my dog will steer clear even when I’m not around to supervise.

Overall, keeping my dog out of the litter box required a combination of the right products and consistent training. The self-cleaning litter box, top-entry design, strategic placement, and training have all played their part in solving this problem. Each dog is unique, so it might take some trial and error to find what works best for you. Remember, patience and persistence are key. I hope my experiences and insights help you create a harmonious home where both your dog and cat can coexist peacefully.




I'm a writer who loves telling stories and sharing new ideas. I aim to inspire and engage readers with simple, creative, and fresh perspectives.