Is Vaseline Safe For Cats To Lick?

3 min readJun 27, 2024


When it comes to our feline friends, their safety and well-being are always top priorities. One common question cat owners ask is whether Vaseline is safe for cats to lick. I’ve spent a lot of time with my own cats, and I’ve done some research to ensure I’m making the best choices for them. Let me share what I’ve learned and experienced with you.

Is Vaseline Safe For Cats To Lick
Image by Canva Pro

Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, is something many people have at home. It’s often used for dry skin, minor cuts, and chapped lips. I’ve used it myself during harsh winters to keep my skin from drying out. But when it comes to our pets, we need to be extra cautious. Cats are curious creatures, and if they find something new or interesting, they’re likely to give it a lick.

The main concern with Vaseline is its petroleum base. While it’s not toxic in small amounts, it’s not exactly healthy either. If a cat licks a little bit off their fur, it might not cause immediate harm, but it’s not something I’d want my cat to ingest regularly. The body doesn’t digest petroleum jelly well, and it could lead to upset stomach or diarrhea. I remember one of my cats, Whiskers, once licked a bit of Vaseline I had used on her paw pad. She ended up with a mild stomach ache, and I felt terrible for not being more careful.

Instead of using Vaseline, I now opt for Petroleum-Free Paw Balm for Cats. It’s specifically designed to be safe for cats, and I’ve found it works just as well, if not better, than Vaseline. The peace of mind knowing that it’s non-toxic is priceless. My cats seem to prefer it too, and I feel good knowing they’re not ingesting anything harmful.

Another fantastic alternative I’ve discovered is Organic Coconut Oil for Pets. Coconut oil is natural and safe for cats to lick. I use it for various things around the house, and it’s become a staple in my pet care routine. Whether it’s for moisturizing dry skin or giving my cats a little treat, coconut oil has been a lifesaver. Plus, it smells great and leaves their fur feeling soft and shiny.

For those times when my cats have minor cuts or scrapes, I reach for Cat-Safe Healing Ointment. This product is designed to be safe if ingested, which is a huge relief since cats tend to lick their wounds. It’s made with natural ingredients that promote healing without any of the risks associated with petroleum-based products.

Making these switches has not only improved my cats’ health but also brought me peace of mind. I no longer worry about them licking off something harmful, and they seem happier and healthier for it. It’s amazing how a few small changes can make such a big difference.

Overall, while Vaseline might not be the worst thing for a cat to lick, there are definitely better, safer alternatives out there. From my experience, using products like Petroleum-Free Paw Balm, Organic Coconut Oil, and Cat-Safe Healing Ointment has been a game-changer. Our pets rely on us to make the best choices for them, and by opting for these safer products, we can ensure they stay healthy and happy.




I'm a writer who loves telling stories and sharing new ideas. I aim to inspire and engage readers with simple, creative, and fresh perspectives.