Why Does My Cat Scratch The Floor Before Drinking Water?

3 min readJun 27, 2024


I’ve noticed something curious about my cat recently. Every time she heads to her water bowl, she starts scratching the floor before taking a sip. At first, I thought it was just a random habit. But as it became more frequent, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why does my cat do this?”

It turns out that many cats scratch the floor before drinking water, and it’s more common than I realized. Cats have natural instincts that go back to their wild ancestors. In the wild, they would cover or hide their food to protect it from predators. Scratching the floor before drinking could be a leftover instinct — a way of making the area feel safe or marking it as theirs.

Why Does My Cat Scratch the Floor Before Drinking Water

The Benefits of a Cat Water Fountain

When I first brought home a cat water fountain, like this cat fountain with flowing water, I hoped it would distract her from the scratching habit. Surprisingly, she still scratched the floor, but I noticed she was more eager to drink. Cats are drawn to running water because it feels fresher, just like in nature. If your cat is a bit picky about drinking, this could be the perfect way to get them more interested in their water bowl.

Sensitive Paws and Water Testing

Another reason cats scratch the floor before drinking could be related to their paws. Cats have highly sensitive paws, and they use them to explore their surroundings. Sometimes, my cat even dips her paw into the water before drinking, as if she’s testing the temperature. Scratching the floor might be her way of checking the environment to ensure it’s safe before she drinks.

Using a Non-Slip Water Bowl

I also experimented with different bowls to see if it made any difference. When I switched to a non-slip water bowl, like this non-skid pet bowl, my cat seemed much more comfortable. The bowl stayed in place, and while she still scratched a little, it was clear she felt more at ease with the setup. Cats are creatures of habit, and sometimes a small change like this can reduce their anxiety.

Keep the Drinking Area Tidy

Finally, scratching the floor might just be a quirky behavior unique to your cat. They all have their little routines and habits, which is part of what makes them so lovable. Keeping their drinking area clean and organized can help, and adding a pet feeding mat, like this easy-to-clean pet mat, can make a big difference. It creates a comfortable surface for your cat and keeps their water area tidy, which might even reduce the scratching.

Embrace Your Cat’s Quirks

In the end, our cats’ habits and quirks are what make them special. While we may not always understand every behavior, making their environment feel safe and comfortable is key. So, if your cat scratches the floor before drinking, don’t worry too much. It’s likely just their way of saying, “This is my space,” and embracing those little quirks is part of what makes our connection with them so special.

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I'm a writer who loves telling stories and sharing new ideas. I aim to inspire and engage readers with simple, creative, and fresh perspectives.