Ahmed Ashour
6 min readFeb 24, 2022

Miso What is this seasoning and how can I use it?

The miso It is a food that today remains completely unknown. And it won’t be because Japanese culture isn’t taking hold in our country, that’s for sure. But of course, there are so many new concepts, so many ways of cooking that one cannot pay attention to everything.

It is completely normal not to be familiar with this seasoning, so today we are going to talk a little about miso and the wonders you can do with it in the kitchen. Surely he will become your new best friend, not only for his famous miso soup or a delicious ramenbut as an umami flavor for other recipes, I warn you that it is addictive.

What is miso?

The first is the first. Miso is a seasoning in the form of paste that is obtained thanks to the mixture of fermented soybean grains, rice (among other ingredients that we will see later) and sea salt. This fermentation occurs thanks to the fungus kojiconverting this product into a probiotic formed by live microorganisms.

Its origin is difficult to trace, because although it is known as a traditional japanese productthere is evidence that it arrived in the Land of the Rising Sun around the 7th century from Korea or China.

Initially, unground soybeans were used, but later they discovered that they could make it into a homogeneous paste that was much easier to handle. Until relatively recently, miso has been a food closely linked to the most simple and humble cuisine.

What does miso taste like?

It has a mild, slightly sweet, salty and umami flavor. Smooth and creamy texture that combines perfectly to make a quick broth or marinate meat or fish.

It also goes well with drinks with citrus flavors or with a spicy note, such as beer. Ideal for white fish recipes, to accompany tofu, clear soups or add a touch to your salads.

types of miso

Depending on the fermentation that it has, the ingredients used and the process that is carried out, you can find different types of miso that have great differences.

  • white miso or shiro miso: It is made with rice and a small portion of soy. It has a fermentation of approximately two months and is the most used in the kitchen, due to its milder flavor that does not mask the rest of the flavors.
  • red miso or aka misoPairing: It has a greater fermentation, being a year the minimum. It receives that name due to the reddish tone that it has achieved and its flavor is much more intense than the white one.
  • hatcho miso: This miso is made only with soybeans, acquiring a darker color and a very strong flavor. It has a lot of protein and is suitable for coeliacs.
  • genmai miso: The particularity of genmai miso is that it is made with brown rice, which gives it a saltier and more pronounced flavor, and it is very aromatic. It is also suitable for coeliacs.
  • mugi misoPairing: It is prepared with soybeans and barley, taking on a reddish color when fermented. It stands out a lot for its aroma, which distinguishes it from rice misos.

Benefits and properties of miso

The miso, being a probiotic foodIt has a lot of benefits for the human body. This is because the bacteria it contains are very good for the digestive system.

This condiment is made up of legumes and cereals, so it provides us with a lot of slow-absorbing carbohydratesas well as vitamins, calcium, magnesium and folic acid among others.

By having such a salty taste, it can help us eliminate other flavor enhancers such as salt, which is less healthy. It is so powerful that even with small amounts we will be satisfied.

How long does miso paste last?

The lighter the color, the milder its flavor and the less it keeps. Although this is if you make it at home, it is normal to buy the miso paste in a vacuum-sealed container and it has a very long life. Even once the container has been opened, it can be kept in the fridge for months or a whole year. It can also be frozen with no problem.

Use of miso in cooking

You can use this seasoning in a thousand ways. The simplest is dissolve it together with other ingredients to create sauces, marinades, creams or soups.

If you mix it with an ingredient that lightens it up a bit (such as olive oil, lemon juice, or white wine), you can find a great glaze for vegetables that you may find a little more bland.

The most important thing is that do not subject the miso to very high temperatures or prolonged cooking, to avoid killing the microorganisms it carries and how well they feel to the body. If you decide to make the mythical miso soup, always add it at the end.

In summary…

What did you think of the miso? It is a most versatile condiment that you can use in many recipes to give it an incredible touch. Try it on your plates and leave us in comments what the results have been. I’m sure you’ll get yummy miso meals.

By Alfonso Lopez

I started Recetasderechupete.com in 2009. In these years I have written recipes and books, recorded videos, I have given face-to-face courses and classes in catering schools. AND cooking for my family and friends It is still my great passion. On this website I want to share all my experience with you, so that you enjoy cooking as much as I do and all your dishes turn out delicious.

Alfonso López Alonso - Cook at Recetasderechupete.com

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