PODCAST REVIEW: Are Your Business Assets Transferable? Heather Campbell — The Business Transition Sherpa

How2Exit Team
6 min readNov 13, 2023

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The Hub Short Take:

Heather Campbell discusses the importance of viewing a business as an asset and the legal considerations that come with it. She emphasizes the need to protect intellectual property, such as trademarks and trade secrets, and highlights the common legal issues faced by businesses. Heather also introduces her Business Builder five-bucket framework, which helps business owners identify and address their legal needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building a business requires a strong legal foundation, including protecting intellectual property and having proper contracts in place.
  • Business assets can include intellectual property, customer databases, and unique processes or systems.
  • It’s important to regularly assess and address legal needs in areas such as business structure, regulations, contracts, intellectual property, and dispute resolution.


  • “Building a business is no small thing, especially building a successful business.” — Heather Campbell
  • “Treat legal as a system that supports all your other business systems.” — Heather Campbell

The Guest:

Heather Campbell is a lawyer and the founder of Legal Website Warrior. She helps small and growing businesses navigate the legal landscape and build a strong legal foundation for their companies.

The Host:

Laurie Barkman, The Business Transition Sherpa(TM). She’s the former CEO of a $100 million revenue company that was sold to a Fortune 50. As a Business Transition and M&A Intermediary, Laurie advises owners how to create more valuable businesses and find the right buyer when it’s time to let go. She’s the best-selling author of “The Business Transition Handbook: How to Avoid Succession Pitfalls and Create Valuable Exit Options,” and host of the award-winning podcast Succession Stories, rated in the top 2.5% of podcasts globally.

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The article:

Building and Protecting Business Assets: A Comprehensive Guide

As business owners, we often focus on the day-to-day operations and growth of our companies. We pour our time, energy, and resources into building successful businesses without always considering the long-term value of what we are creating. However, every business is an asset, and it is essential to recognize and protect the value we are building.

In a recent conversation with Heather Campbell, a legal expert and host of the “Guts, Grit, and Great Business” podcast, They explored the concept of business assets and the importance of understanding and safeguarding them. Heather shared her insights and provided a framework for business owners to assess and protect their assets effectively. Let’s dive deeper into the key themes discussed in their conversation.

The Value of Business Assets

When we talk about business assets, we often think of physical items such as equipment, inventory, or property. However, as Heather pointed out, business assets go beyond tangible objects. They include intangible assets like intellectual property, customer databases, trade secrets, and unique business processes. Heather emphasized the significance of recognizing and protecting these assets from the early stages of business development.

Heather explained, “It’s never too early to learn about intellectual property. When you say business assets, that’s often a huge piece, if not the only piece, in some businesses of what we’re looking at. Things can go wrong very early in the business-building journey.”

The Legal Foundation: Building and Protecting Assets

To ensure the protection of business assets, Heather introduced her “Business Builder Five-Bucket Framework.” This framework provides a roadmap for business owners to assess their legal needs and take proactive steps to build and protect their assets. Let’s explore each bucket in detail.

Bucket 1: Legal Entity or Structure

The first bucket focuses on establishing the proper legal structure for your business. Heather emphasized the importance of having a legal entity, such as an LLC or a C corporation, to separate personal and business liabilities. She highlighted that many small businesses still operate as sole proprietorships, exposing themselves to unnecessary risks.

Heather advised, “Get a legal entity around your business. You need a C corporation, an LLC, or some legal entity that is going to protect you from the liability that you bring in the door.”

Bucket 2: Regulatory and Insurance

The second bucket addresses regulatory compliance and insurance. Depending on your industry and business activities, there may be specific regulations and licensing requirements you need to adhere to. Heather stressed the need to stay informed about these regulations and ensure proper insurance coverage to protect your business from potential risks.

Heather explained, “On the regulatory side, a lot of people don’t get up to speed on all the regulations that apply to their business. On the insurance side, depending on what you’re doing in your business, insurance can be paramount.”

Bucket 3: Business Agreements or Contracts

The third bucket focuses on business agreements and contracts. Heather emphasized that contracts are essential tools for protecting your intellectual property, services, and business relationships. Whether it’s client agreements, employment contracts, or terms of service for your website, having proper legal contracts in place is crucial.

Heather highlighted, “If you think of anything that you do in your business that’s an exchange of value, you need a contract around it. Contracts protect your IP, your services, and your business.”

Bucket 4: Intellectual Property Protection Strategy

The fourth bucket centers around intellectual property (IP) protection. Heather discussed the importance of registering trademarks and copyrights to safeguard your unique brand elements and creative works. She also emphasized the role of business contracts in protecting your IP rights.

Heather explained, “Your intellectual property bucket borrows a lot of protection from the business contracts bucket. There’s a lot of overlap between the two.”

Bucket 5: Communication and Dispute Resolution Strategy

The final bucket focuses on communication and dispute-resolution strategies. Heather stressed the significance of developing effective communication skills to handle difficult conversations and prevent disputes. She recommended resources like the book “Difficult Conversations” to help business owners navigate challenging situations.

Heather advised, “The faster you can get some skills in handling difficult conversations, the better. It’s time, energy, and savings. Preventing problems and educating clients proactively is key.”

Implications and Future Outlook

Understanding and protecting your business assets have significant implications for the long-term success and value of your company. By recognizing the value of your intellectual property, business processes, and customer databases, you can position your business for growth and potential future transactions.

Heather’s framework provides a practical approach for business owners to assess their legal needs and take proactive steps to protect their assets. By organizing legal documents, prioritizing legal tasks, and integrating legal planning into regular business planning, business owners can build a solid legal foundation for their companies.

Looking ahead, the importance of protecting business assets will only continue to grow. As technology advances and the business landscape evolves, new challenges and opportunities will arise. Business owners must stay informed, seek legal guidance when needed, and adapt their strategies to protect their assets effectively.

In conclusion, building and protecting business assets is a critical aspect of long-term business success. By understanding the value of your assets, following a comprehensive framework, and staying proactive, you can maximize the value of your business and ensure its future growth and sustainability. Take the first step today and start assessing your legal needs to safeguard your business assets for years to come.

Join us next week as we continue to sift through the wealth of information out there, helping you understand what it takes to excel in today’s dynamic business environment.

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Written by the team at How2Exit.com



How2Exit Team

Host of How2Exit podcast, author at Deeper.How2Exit.com & TheHub.AcqHub.com - talking about SMB M&A, buying profitable B2B media assets & supporting businesses.