Refer and Earn Off Your Friends’ Purchases on MeYou: the Blockchain that offers Live-Streaming, Gaming and In-App Shopping

3 min readAug 17, 2018


Source: Hayley Page

We all have friends who have the talent for sniffing out the best deals and high-fashion steals. Save them the trouble of answering your “Where did you purchase this?” questions; in today’s Influencer-driven economy, such talent should be recognised and compensated. You’ll be glad to know that the next time you send your friends the link to your new style-steal, you can get a cut off their purchase if they buy through your link via MeYou. Call it commission, referrals or pseudo-affiliate links, you can now be rewarded for helpfully enabling your friends’ shopping reflexes.

Enter MeYou — an all-in-one live-stream stage, game station and e-commerce marketplace built on blockchain technology. that aims to make its in-app shopping a win-win exchange.

How It Works:

MeYou’s advertising model panders to consumers’ benefit — a rare phenomenon that you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Powered by blockchain, brands and sellers first place their ads on the platform via a smart contract. They will set an advertising budget comprising rewards and bounties they plan to distribute as incentives for consumer engagement, linking them to the contracts.

When MeYou users encounter these ads on the platform, they can get rewarded with MeYou tokens (MYT) by partaking in two activities:

A) Publicising the ads on their personalised livestreams like conventional influencers

B) Sending these ad links to their friends and getting referral rewards from the contract address when a friend buys the advertised product.

Fastest fingers first — this too-good-to-be-true deal lasts as long as its allocated advertising budget. Once the set amount of rewards have been redeemed, the contract self-destructs.

MeYou’s innovative way of incentivising consumers to spread awareness and interest in its ads ensures that both consumers and advertisers win: advertisers can rest assured that their product advertisements will reach interested consumers with added credence, coming across as a personalised recommendation from a friend.

Likewise, instead of passively passing advertisements by, consumers are incentivised to act as advertisement gatekeepers-cum-personal shoppers, and only share good deals with friends who might be looking. As rewards are only allocated upon purchase, MeYou ensures that there is no incentive to spam share links to people who may not be interested. This win-win scenario is a unique feature of MeYou’s refreshing attempt to revolutionise in-app advertising with blockchain’s many possibilities.

Getting paid while others do the shopping; there’s never been a better deal for securing a one-way money flow. Join MeYou to enjoy these online shopping perks while you live-stream and game among its vibrant autonomous ecosystem.

