What Pickles can make your health

3 min readOct 1, 2022


What Pickles can make your health

Pickles do something more than add blocks and tangy blames in sandwich or hamburger. Cucumbers marinated and combined with vitamins and mineral vineyards. Cucumbers are native to India, where they have been eaten since long before recorded history. Christopher Columbus brought cucumbers to America in the 15th century. People began collecting them about 4,000 years ago to preserve them and extend their lifespan for travel.

Now you can cut cucumbers yourself. Grocers sell many varieties, including whole dill pickles, sweet pickles, and sour pears.

Nutritional profile
Like most vegetables, pickles are almost all water and contain little fat or protein. They are also high in vitamins because the salt brine releases water from the pickles.

Their nutritional values ​​vary depending on the species. To illustrate, all the whole populations have:

20% of one vitamin ks help your blood to guess and make your bones strong
6% of the Calcium of Calcium requires a strong bone with teeth and a good muscle
6% of potassium per day you want, which helps you work well
3% -4%
of vitamin C: A barrier protects your cells against damage
1% of the cost of the vitamin market, important for your vision, the order you fight and do good
If you want some parts of the out, half cup is well with a slices in this pickles:

More than 3% of your daily profits for vitamin A
About 1/3 of Vitamin K wish
About 4% of Calcium for the day
About 2% of your Potassium
Pickmemented pickles
Ferment Fermented as the Kefir, Kimchi
and Mino can help make your fitness. But most pickles and shelves right, which uses yeast, bacteria and other microbes to save food. Instead, pickles often get their flavor from being marinated in a brine of wine and spices.

For fermented pickles, try a health food store or make your own. Look for signs that say “explain clearly”. When you open the jar, you will see bubbles on the surface, a sign of bacteria living inside.

Health benefits
Aids in
digestion. Fermented pickles are full of good bacteria called probiotics, which are important for gut health.

Fighting disease. Cucumbers are rich in an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. Carotene is a powerful substance that has been shown to help reduce the risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, stroke , cancer, respiratory disease and other conditions. . Can reduce the wound. Some athletes swear by pickle juice after a workout to quickly replace lost electrolytes. One study found that pickle juice may work slightly better than water for relieving pain. But the evidence is weak. Makes it good. The corner of cornichon grain, especially alcohol, can help make your red blood even. This can be beneficial for those at risk for diabetes.

To review
The biggest drawback
to pickles is that they are full of salt. One large serving of dill contains more than 2/3 of the recommended amount of sodium an adult should have for the day. Too much salt in your diet can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. Sodium can also leach calcium from your bones. This can weaken your bones and cause you to break them. How to pickle at home

There are two ways to make your own pickles. One way is to soak them in vinegar. Another way is to ferment cucumbers with just salt and water. Either way, follow these general tips:

Choose cucumbers that are fresh, firm and undamaged. Use canning or pickling salt. Other salts cover the brine. Add dill seeds, horseradish, mustard seeds, garlic and other spices.
Follow the directions on the can
carefully to prevent harmful bacteria from growing inside. Store pickles in airtight jars for several weeks before eating.

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