How to Become a MEAN Stack Developer?

MEAN Developers
3 min readApr 11, 2023


MEAN stack development has gained popularity among developers for building web applications. MEAN stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

How to become a MEAN stack developer

How to Become a MEAN Stack Developer?

1. Learn JavaScript
JavaScript is a must-learn language to become a MEAN stack developer. It is a programming language used for building interactive web pages and applications. You can start learning JavaScript by reading books, watching video tutorials, or taking online courses. Once you have a good grasp of the basics, move on to learning advanced topics like object-oriented programming, closures, and functional programming.

2. Learn Node.js
Node.js is a server-side platform used for building scalable applications. It is built on top of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. You can start learning Node.js by reading books, watching video tutorials, or taking online courses. You should also learn how to use Node.js modules and the Node Package Manager (npm).

3. Learn MongoDB
MongoDB is a NoSQL database used for storing data in JSON-like documents. It is scalable, flexible, and easy to use. You can start learning MongoDB by reading books, watching video tutorials, or taking online courses. You should learn how to create databases, collections, and documents. You should also learn how to query data from MongoDB.

4. Learn Express.js
Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js. You can start learning Express.js by reading books, watching video tutorials, or taking online courses. You should learn how to create routes, handle requests, and respond with data. You should also learn how to use middleware in Express.js.

5. Learn Angular
Angular is a front-end framework used for building single-page applications. It provides a set of features for building complex web applications. You can start learning Angular by reading books, watching video tutorials, or taking online courses. You should learn how to create components, handle events, and use Angular services. You should also learn how to use Angular modules and the Angular CLI.

6. Practice and Build Projects
Practice is the key to becoming a successful MEAN stack developer. You should build projects using the MEAN stack to gain hands-on experience.

7. Join a Community
Joining a community of MEAN stack developers can be helpful in learning new things and getting feedback on your projects. You can join communities like the MEAN Stack Google Group, the MEAN Stack Slack Group, or the MEAN Stack Reddit Community. You can also attend MEAN stack meetups and conferences to meet other developers and learn new things.


In conclusion, becoming a MEAN stack developer requires learning JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, and Angular. You should also practice and build projects to gain hands-on experience. Joining a community of MEAN stack developers can be helpful in learning new things and getting feedback on your projects. With dedication and practice, you can become a successful MEAN stack developer.

Read more:

Why Select the Mean Stack Development for Your Business Web App?



MEAN Developers

Technology, culture, representation, and self-improvement. Working at and as a Sr. MEAN Developer