Celebration: Carnavals from Germany

3 min readAug 24, 2022

Ensaio Pré-selecionado de Mathieu Acker

This serie is dedicated to the victims of Strépy-Bracquegnies in Belgium.

Every year, carnival celebrations are accompanied by parades, costumes and music. It’s a time to have fun and be a kid again. This time of the year is the happiest time for young and old.

In this series of photographs taken in Germany (Kehl and Offenburg), the viewer will discover the diversity of carnival societies. Walking or standing on large floats, with music groups or singing, everyone takes part in the process and comes together.

It is a well known tradition to enjoy these groups in the street parades interacting joyfully with the large audience that came in thousands. Confetti, cheers, candy and rallying cries will be shared as the party progresses through the cities.

This series taken in the streets and city centers of the province of Ortenau, is part of a documentary work started in 2017 that also includes world-famous festivities such as the parades and street celebrations of Rio de Janeiro as well as lesser-known American, Canadian or Brazilian events taking place in the countryside and smaller towns.

The goal is to offer the viewer a collection of masks, costumes, traditions and joyful moments from across continents and countries and to share them in photographic exhibitions and festivals.

Exposição Convocatória em Foco na Quadra da Matriz, é uma das atrações do Festival. Venha conferir e participar inscrevendo seus trabalhos.

A Convocatória em Foco 2022 está com inscrições abertas até 20 de agosto e o resultado será apresentado no dia 4 de setembro. Agradecemos a participação de todos e confiança no trabalho do Paraty em Foco e sua Equipe.Participe, não deixe para a última hora. Você poderá ser um dos protagonistas desta edição da maioridade do Festival. Confira o regulamento: https://www.pefparatyemfoco.com.br/regulamento-convocat%C3%B3ria-pef-2022




Convocatória PEF, continua sendo, uma vitrine aberta para profissionais consagrados ou talentos emergentes.