Massive Mech.Game New Years Update

7 min readJan 12, 2023


In most cases when communication slows down it means the death of a project, butthat couldn’t be further from the truth with Mech.Game. As the market continued to tank our leadership made the decision to tighten the belt around spending to conserve and focus funds on the main goal…getting the Game and Play2Earn economy live. To that end we stopped marketing and instead focused our outreach efforts soley on keeping our Mech community updated.

But now things are moving so fast WE NEED to let the world know again.

Before you read the extensive list of updates below…know this… We have been building like crazy the entire time, never once taking our foot off the gas. Other projects are dying and dropping like flies in this crypto winter, but we are still going strong and ready to thrive.

We are so excited about whats to come in this new year. We were building up momentum on the dev side towards the end of the year, and now things are gonna start falling into place quite quickly.

So Here We Go With The Big List Of Updates:

Dubai Company Approved!

Our crypto company in Dubai and all the legal stuff that goes along with that has been approved and officially formed. This is the company that will own Mech.Game as well as be the parent to the infrastructure company we are building around the proprietary tools we have built to bring to mobile.

Having this company formed and structured the way it is with the Dubai Economic Zone approval gives massive legitimacy to our project in the eyes of regulators, investors and more. By the end of this month we will be able to conduct business under this Company.

Jarvis And Tanner Go To Dubai

Up until now we’ve been able to do all the legal and paperwork via email and zoom, however to finalize everything Jarvis and I must go in person to Dubai and jump through all the final regulatory hoops. So the last week in January Jarvis and I will meet up in Dubai and finalize everything.

This is also exciting because it will be Jarvis and I’s first time meeting in person, despite knowing who each other were since 2017. While we are there we will be doing some in person planning together as well as having meetings with several potential Mech.Game VC’s and other prospective infrastructure partners. Will keep you in the loop while we are there.

Play2Earn Tokenomics Being Dialed In

ShillBIll has been hard at work revamping the tokenomics to ensure that when launches the p2e it will not only work in the short term, but also last long term.

Our goal is to kick off P2E as soon as we can to allow all holders to start earning and playing right away with the Current MVP platform we have been building. However the tokenomics are being designed in such a way that even with the MVP and assuming ZERO additional development, expansion or new features, the p2e would still have a 18 MONTH+ Runway.

Which is insane!!! no pump and crash p2e here.

And of course we have lots of other functionality, revenue streams and expansions in the works, all of which will increase the stability of the p2e and increase playability and fun for players.

Current Game Development Focused On Google Play Integration

Since before Christmas Platinum Egg (game studio) has been working on getting the beta version of the game set up for google play store and jumping through the hoops to get it approved for listing. This is a critical step in the process because doing this allows for mass distribution of the game to all holders and new players. We hope to have this wrapped up this month as well.

Upcoming AMA’s And P2E Chats

ShillBill and I (Bronclaren) are going to be kicking off a steady roll out of live calls where we will be sharing the way the initial P2E will work and how you guys will interact with the game as players, scholars and managers. We will be discussing the broad economy functions as well as how the various different pieces of the game and game elements will fit together to not only help you play and earn, but also to prop up and sustain the P2E economy as it gains traction.

Whitepaper Expansion

In conjunction with the above mentioned calls, Bill and I will be releasing updates and expansions to the whitepaper that coencide with what we are talking about during the calls.

With the goal being to have a fully detailed and accurate whitepaper ready to go at the time the game goes live, but at the same time have all existing holders being educated in advance as we approach the game launch.

Mech.Game Whitepaper

Stronghold Mint Is Up Next

We are neck deep in the generative code for creating the stronghold collection NFTs. The strongholds are critical to the P2E economy and the next step in the process is going to be doing the gas only stronghold mint for the Genesis Holders to get these nfts into your hands.

Details for this will be coming shortly, but one bit of alpha…and you can thank ShillBIll for this, is originally all strongholds in the mint were going to be level 1’s and there would be a $Cost to upgrade to lvl 2 and 3. However, Bill worked out a cool deal for the Genesis holders that there will be a number of lvl2 and lvl3 strongholds mixed randomly into the mint so you all have a chance get an upgraded stronghold right during the mint.

And following the mint there will be an opportunity to combine multiple strongholds of the same level to upgrade to a higher level (all these things will cost USDT in the future, but for now Genesis holders will get BIlls hook up)

MECH.GAME Level 2 Stronghold NFT with 5 expansion pads

Expansion Modules

The expansion modules are NFT buildings you can add to your stronghold expansion pads to increase the functionality of your stronghold. The expansion module you know about is the Forge…which is required to forge new mechs.

However, we now have 4 MORE expansion modules ready to go that will be available right at game launch or shortly after that based on your p2e strategy will give you a major leg up in the game and on your earnings. (there will also be special deals available for Genesis holders, when the time comes)

$MECH Token Launch

This is the one we are wracking our brains on the most. Its a straight forward process, however with the existing bear market and the continuing fallout from the FTX mess it is a major fly in the ointment that we have to be very careful how we handle it.

The bigger the token launch the better of course as that goes to liquidity, but equally important is the token launch not flopping. Plus with Bill, Jarvis and I running the numbers and all the different scenarios it shows us that a smaller more strategic token launch has a lot of merit. We are also talkin to our advisors and soliciting insight and advice from our network to make sure we do this right.

I do not have a date to share with you yet, but as we’ve promised from the beginning all genesis mech holders will be able to participate in a genesis only prebuy of tokens at a discounted rate.

Staking Rewards

As you know we have backdated everyone's staking rewards and as long as you own a genesis mech in a wallet, we are considering that staked, since our legal team did not want us to launch traditional staking.

So everyone who owns a mech is currently accruing staking rewards, which will be deposited into your game account through a claim function after you create your game account and link your wallet.

As we’ve said from the start, staking rewards will be paid out as Credits which is the ingame utitlity token. Credits have no cash value but they are what is used to make the entire game economy function. Bill, Jarvis and I have also decided to do something cool and make sure that All Genesis holders have enough staking rewards to be able to forge a new Gen2 mech right when the game kicks off.

This is just an extra perk we decided to engineer in for our Genesis holders.

Genesis Value And Perks

This is in the front of our mind always and Bill, Jarvis and I are constantly looking at ways we can either deliver an additional perk to Genesis mech owners and/or how we can engineer the game and economy to drive appreciation and long term value of the genesis mechs above and beyond any other nft in the game.

The list is already quite long of what we have done and are doing for genesis holders, but just wait, because as we get closer to game launch and then even more so once the game launches, you are gonna see the floor price of Genesis mechs start to climb like crazy as new players and managers coming to the game realize the benefits of owning at least 1 genesis mech.

For example…anyone who wants to forge new gen2 mechs and rent or sell them…must OWN a genesis mech in order to unlock the ability to Forge. …

Yes they could buy a forge expansion module…but that module will not be able to be activated or installed unless that player/holder also owns a genesis mech

Thats it for this LONG, but awesome New Years update post. As you can see there are lots of exciting things coming.




MECH.GAME is a Play To Earn Blockchain Game Focused Around Mech Combat.