Why my Greek granny is more effective than your certified parenting advisor

feat. γιαγιά Λόλα (that’s her)

2 min readDec 6, 2021
This dog represents the whole point. Just look at it. Dog life, Chill life.

Let’s be honest. What kind of kid could say no to a paradise like this. Fresh homemade food everyday ? Late-night stories about WW2? Endless cuddling with huge doggos and fluffy sheep? (no one cuddles with a sheep but they are cute anyway)

For me at least, it was my go-to place on holidays, my anti-stress therapy (my parents’ too), and an opportunity to feel part of a drove, a mysterious yet very rewarding community that accepted me for who I was in contrast with my “friends” at the time.

In a few words, granny and her farm have already drawn enough attention; more than a therapist in his office would do actually, to gain a young patient’s trust. That concludes the 1st reason why grandma has more to say.

Reason no. 2 | Compassionate but not in a phony manner

She knows how to treat nagging and stubbornness more than anyone else in the world. She knows what you want and makes sure you acknowledge that too. For example, if my spoiled-a## self wanted a lollipop NOW, she would say:…oh god I wish I had that lollipop too.

That is the purest form of compassion•tedious…yet so soothing for a child that needs a helping hand whilst dealing with its “impatience”-demons.

It worked wonders and still does but adults have a harder time trusting others’ honest emotions. They do not believe until they see a pattern, a tangible outcome or something that suits their purpose and needs.

Reason no. 3 | The peacemaker

Whenever I and my cousin would fight, she always had a way to reunite us. What she did was; she would turn herself into the “bad guy”, therefore making it impossible for us not to reunite and plan against her to win the argument she would come up with to succeed in her purpose. Simple but oh-so-effective…

So, thanks to her, I’m here, sharing my point of view in this subject. What do you think? Do you have any similar examples that demonstrate and prove the efficacy of these methods? Share in the comments section!

See ya!

(Excuse any grammatical mistakes I am still trying to get used to it 🙈)




Med Student in Greece 🌊|🙋🏻‍♀️ αιθεροβάμων aka unproductive daydreamer building castles in the air | Randomness, Philosophy, Music, Humor, Tech, Anything🪐