The Evolution Of Family and Interpersonal Relationships

Almeda Allen
The Insider Tales
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2017

Evolution caused many traditions to become extinct

Courtships become distant memories, seeking the blessing of the father was unheard of. Family infrastructures, are damaged by abuse, unfaithfulness, and divorce. Destroying the foundation of the family.

Family ties are important

In my mother’s time, families were close knit, they spent quality time together regularly. They shared their thoughts and opinions honestly and listened intently to each other. They took in consideration the thoughts and feelings of their loved ones. In the world we presently live, families are distant and broken, lack respect, consideration, and understanding. They don’t eat dinner together as a family, everyone is scattered about the house, engaging in their own agendas.

Broken family bonds, and smart phones

Enthralled by their smart phones, no one engages in discussions, or listens to the concerns of others. Over time this shapes the mentality of this generation birthing an ideology of selfishness. The concept of love is artificial and void of emotion.

The importance of relationships

Relationships form the catalyst of change and inspiration. They help us to develop as individuals knowing our strong points and weak points. Relationships nurture our soul, giving us drive and determination, even when life’s circumstances are challenging us to meet the obstacle standing in front of us. Comical, ambiguous, unpredictable, tragic- life is such a multifaceted thing.

Staying connected

Relationships are our life lines to staying connected to the people that matter to us in life. Love nurtures and grows and develops our inner being. This is a very important aspect of our existence in humanity. Over the course of time, relationships change, people change, our passions and interest change. As we live life and engage and experience new adventures, that open our eyes to new ways of thinking and different possibilities, we would be able to move out of our comfort zone.

Practical Tip On How To Put The Fun Back Into Family Time

  • Establishing a family game night.
  • Take family trips together.
  • Eat dinner together.
  • Have family discussions regularly.

These tips will bring families together in fun filled practical ways. Over the course of time this will help to heal bonds that have been strained, damaged or broken and create a fun safe space where the family can come together as a whole and have the freedom to express themselves freely, without judgement. This opens the door to restoration of the family unit. When everyone is sharing their thoughts, and feelings, it becomes easier, to engage in meaningful conversations. Brokenness robs you from receiving the power of love, that heals and restores your soul, giving you fresh determination, new found hope and confidence, that enables you to face life challenges. Life is unpredictable, with many defining moments. Our relationships, our experiences in life are added factors that shape, and mould character in ways that affect our decisions, our ability to handle conflict, heart break, our eternal vision in life. What we deem important and unimportant, those heart wrenching decisions can be life altering.

Getting back to the basics

Life is full of many twists, and turns. We need the support of our family to overcome obstacles, fears and insecurities, that keep us from living life, or experiencing new ways of thinking. We stay inside the box, never stepping outside of our comfort zones. Family is an encouraging presence, that supplies us with the spiritual fortitude to proceed, even when we do not know were we are going or where the road to life will lead us. This support is a very important aspect of our development as a human being. This support will have an effect on what we will become later in our lives.

Originally published at The Insider Tales.



Almeda Allen
The Insider Tales

words, are the canvas that I use for my creative expression, i am passionate about sharing, my wisdom, and life experiences with the world, this is my voice.