Almeda Allen
2 min readJun 22, 2018

Thinking outside the Box

Staying grounded in faith, helps to strengthen your resolve to pursue your vision and goals. Faith is necessary in manifesting our dreams, Believing in ourselves unlocks gifts, and potential.

Training our focus is critical to achieving success in life, living outside the box is not limiting our perception of God, and who we are. Focus is important in making progress, and moving forward in life.

We must be careful to guard our hearts, Mindful of what we allow to enter through the gates of our eyes, and ears. Not allowing our mentalities and perceptions to be limited to experience and exposure.

Confining it to a small space of our reality, Humanity is in love with the simplicity of practical living. Robbing them of excitement, passion and fulfillment. These mentalities cripple your mindset.

Changing your mentality changes your perception, Creating a freedom that allows your spirit to grow and develop. Stretching and growing your thinking will increase your capacity, to discover new ways of thinking helping to birth new ideas, and solutions.

Faith increases your capacity to rise to meet the challenges of life, Thinking outside the box provokes you to explore, look at things at a different angle. Bold enough to pursue avenues that people are to afraid to take.

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Almeda Allen

words, are the canvas that I use for my creative expression, i am passionate about sharing, my wisdom, and life experiences with the world, this is my voice.