Meda Raghavendra
4 min readOct 8, 2023

Unlocking the Profound Symbolism of Lord Ganesha: A Journey into the Human Mind and Spirit*

Learning points from Mr.Sunder Iyer’s KYG Yoga playlist Gifts of Ganesha. My heartfelt thanks to Mr.Sunder Iyer for his inspiring video playlist and the AI for assistance in creating this blog. This blog is the summary of learning points of all the six videos in the playlist.

In the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, Lord Ganesha stands out as a beloved and iconic deity. With his distinctive elephant head and endearing appearance, Ganesha is much more than a mere god; he embodies profound symbolism that holds the keys to understanding the human mind and spirit. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the intricate symbolism behind different aspects of Lord Ganesha.

**1. Elephant-Headed Figure:**

- **Joy and Power:** Ganesha’s elephant head symbolizes joy and powerful energy. Just as an elephant can make its own path in the dense forest, invoking our subconscious Ganesha clears the way for our minds to operate optimally.

- **Gentleness and Majesty:** Elephants are known for their gentle nature and majestic presence. Ganesha’s demeanor, like that of an elephant, exudes gentleness and dignity.

- **Intelligence and Memory:** Elephants are highly intelligent and have impressive memories. Similarly, Ganesha is associated with intelligence and is believed to hold all the memories of the past within the subconscious.

- **Tremendous Strength:** Just as an elephant possesses immense physical strength, Ganesha’s symbolism conveys inner strength and power. Invoking Ganesha can strengthen and awaken us from the depths of the subconscious.

- **The Elephant Trunk:** The elephant’s trunk, known as “Kari Mugan” in Tamil, plays a crucial role. It represents the hand, connecting the base of the spine to the brain, much like the spine links different energy centers in the body. The sound “Lam” is associated with this energy center, awakening deep memories and our inner divinity.

**2. The Mouse Enigma:**

- **Contrasting Symbolism:** Ganesha’s vahana, or mount, is a tiny mouse, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the elephant. However, both creatures are similar in color (dark gray), intelligence, and their ability to create paths.

- **Symbol of Consciousness:** The mouse represents the conscious mind, while the elephant embodies the subconscious. The mouse’s actions mirror those of our conscious thoughts and experiences.

- **Storing Memories:** Just as Ganesha’s stomach stores information from the conscious mind, the mouse gathers and stores food in its burrowed ground, symbolizing how our subconscious stores memories.

- **Accessing the Subconscious:** Ganesha serves as a bridge to access the subconscious mind, which is otherwise challenging to reach directly.

**3. Four Forms of Sound Associated with Ganesha:**

- **Para, Pashyanthi, Madhyama, Vaikhari:** These four forms of sound, as taught by Vedanta, are connected to Ganesha’s symbolism. They represent different levels of consciousness, with “Para” being the silence and source of all thoughts and actions.

  • **The Power of Sound:** Sound vibrations are the essence of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. The divine law of giving and receiving is intricately linked to these vibrations.
  • **The Profound Connection of Vibrations:**
  • The significance of these four forms of sound lies in their interconnectedness. The journey from Para to Vaikhari mirrors the process of creation — from the formless, unmanifested potentiality to the tangible, manifested reality. Each form of sound represents a different level of awareness and consciousness, illustrating the transformative power of vibrations.
  • In the context of Ganesha’s symbolism, these sounds resonate with the energy centers within our bodies. When we invoke Ganesha, we tap into these vibrations, aligning ourselves with the universal rhythm. By understanding and harnessing the power of these sounds, we can elevate our consciousness, harmonize our energies, and manifest our intentions with clarity and purpose. Just as Ganesha guards the dormant energy of Kundalini, these sounds serve as the keys to unlock the latent potential within, connecting us to the cosmic dance of creation. Through the resonance of these vibrations, we find a profound unity with the universe, echoing the eternal rhythms that govern existence.

**4. The Divine Law of Giving:**

- **Unconditional Giving:** Ganesha’s lower right hand, holding a tusk, symbolizes the importance of unconditional giving. Giving without expecting anything in return leads to endless and heartfelt giving.

- **The Sweetness of Salvation:** His lower left hand holding a sweet signifies the sweetness of salvation. To receive the grace of salvation, we must empty our metaphorical backpacks of burdensome memories through forgiveness.

- **The Power of Forgiveness:** Forgiveness has the power to cleanse our minds and raise our consciousness vibrations. It liberates us from the shackles of past resentments and allows us to experience true contentment.

**5. Balancing Longing and Loathing:**

- **Lasso (Pasha) and Goad (Ankusha):** Ganesha’s two rear hands carry the lasso and the goad. Left Rear Hand (Lasso/Pasha) represents restraint and pulling. It symbolizes our ability to control and hold back our desires or cravings. In contrast, the right rear hand (Goad/Ankusha) represents prodding and pushing. It symbolizes motivation and guidance needed to overcome aversions or loathings.

These symbols represent the balance between longing (craving) and loathing (disliking). Ganesha teaches us to navigate between these extremes, guiding our emotional power toward equanimity.

- **Achieving Contentment:** By avoiding excessive craving and confronting negativity instead of running from it, we can find contentment and fulfillment in our lives.

In conclusion, Lord Ganesha’s symbolism provides a profound roadmap to understanding the intricate workings of the human mind and spirit. By invoking Ganesha and contemplating these symbols, we embark on a transformative journey toward self-realization, balance, and inner peace. Ganesha’s wisdom invites us to explore the depths of our own consciousness, providing a path toward self-discovery and personal growth. Just as Ganesha makes peace with obstacles rather than merely removing them, we learn to accept and navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity, ultimately finding fulfillment on our journey of self-discovery. Through the power of sound vibrations and the principles of giving and balance, we can elevate our existence and resonate with the universal rhythms that govern our reality.

Meda Raghavendra

Human, doctor, teacher, crypto enthusiast, trekker, marathoner, follower of Sanathana dharma seeking divinity within and beyond.